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determine whether an application is possible No matter how good the electric, magnetic, chemical or other properties are, a material is of no use if it does not fulfill mechanical requirements hardness compressive & tensile strength
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1 Crystal Basics 2 Symmetry 3 Crystal Structure Analysis 4 Crystal Chemistry 5 Some Important Crystal Structures
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Scopes of Solid State Synthesis Solids: crystals, fibers, films, foams, ceramics, powders, nanoparticles, morphology Direct reaction Crystallization: solution, melt, glass, sol-gel
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Non-linear optical properties Photoluminescence Optical Materials Non-linear optical materials play an important role in data transmission and storage
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Characteristic of Superconductors Applications Important Superconductors What Is a Superconductor? A superconductor is an element, inter￾metallic alloy, or compound that will conduct electricity without resistance below a certain temperature
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Photoelectricity Semiconductors Historical Timelines Semiconductor Products are Proliferating
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1. Bragg Equation 2. Single Crystal Diffraction 3. X-ray Powder Diffraction Crystal Structure Analysis
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Functional Solid State Materials Electrical properties Optical properties Magnetic properties Mechanical properties “the secret for transmuting base metals into precious gold” Materials & History
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第一章 1纺织纤维应具备哪些基本条件? 2.名词解释:纤维、纺织纤维、天然纤维、化学纤维、再生纤维、合成纤维等 3列出纺织纤维的分类表
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