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实验一设计数码管电子表 无82班王一舟981070实验一设计数码管电子表一实验要求:使用8253的两个计数器串连,作为微机系统的外扩定时源,以数码管电路作为外扩输出设备,采用中断方式编程,实现数码管电子表“具体要求如下 1.六位数码管分别显示时,分,秒。 2.初始时间由主机键盘输入。 3.主机按任意键停止计时返回DOS
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3-1 Measures of Random Syntactic Information Shannon Theory of Information Key point: 1. Information is something that can be used to remove uncertainty. 2. The amount of information can then be measured by the amount of uncertainty it removed. 3. In the cases of communications, only waveform is concerned while meaning and value are ignored. 4. Uncertainty and thus information are statistic in nature and statistical mathematics is enough
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Problems to be concerned with 1. How should we define the concept of Information 2. What are the typical features of Information compared with matter and energy 3. What are the relationship and difference between Shannon Information and comprehensive Information 4. How to reasonably classify Information 5. How to properly represent Information
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1.1 Information science Definition of information Science Information Science is a trans-disciplinary science with information as its object in study; the laws in information process as its content information methodology as its approach; and the strengthening human information functions particularly the intellectual ability, as its goal
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《微机原理》考试大纲 一、考试范围 第一章微型计算机系统概论 1.冯·诺伊曼计算机的基本结构、功能部件与工作原理; 2.▲计算机中常用的数制与编码整数、浮点数的二进制、十六进制表示,BCD码、 ASCII码 3.微型计算机的基本结构与系统组成 第二章 Pentium微处理器的体系结构 1.计算机体系结构的基本概念 2. Pentium微处理器的功能结构流水线、超标量 3.实模式软件体系结构;
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4.5 保护模式下的汇编语言程序设计 4.6 Win32汇编语言程序设计 4.7 与高级语言的接口
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3.5 逻辑运算指令 3.6 串操作指令 3.7 程序控制指令 3.8 保护模式的系统控制指令 3.9 浮点运算指令 3.10 MMX指令简介 4.1 概述 4.2 汇编语言的基本语法 4.3 汇编语言程序的控制结构 4.4 DOS/BIOS中断调用
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本章要求 ■本章的内容应该结合配套的实验课程进行,主要教学任务在配套的实验课程上完成。 ■学生在掌握可编程逻辑器件的基本结构后,利用计算机仿真软件进行实验。 ■学生应该掌握基本的计算机仿真过程
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8.1 中断的基本概念 8.2 可编程中断控制器8259 8.3 中断服务程序的编程 8.4 保护模式的中断处理
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