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Multiple Access shared transmission medium a receiver can hear multiple transmitters a transmitter can be heard by multiple receivers the major problem with multi-access is allocating the channel between the users the nodes do not know when the other nodes have data to send Need to coordinate transmissions
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1.概念 2.1.1数据与信息 3.1.2数据处理与数据管理 4.1.3数据库(Data Base) 5.1.4数据库管理系统(DBMS) 6.1.5数据库系统
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Real-Time Transport Protocol Real-time traffic v.S. multimedia traffic Real-time communication is the almost simultaneous production and use of the data, ignoring the short delay in transmission
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Describe the relationship between analysis of variance, the design of experiments, and the types of applications to which the experiments are applied. Differentiate one-way randomized block, and two-way analysis of variance techniques Arrange data into a format that facilitates their analysis by the appropriate analysis of variance
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8.9.1DEA算法 瑞士的 Xuejia LaiJames和 Massey于1990年 公布了DEA密码算法第一版,称为PES (Proposed Encryption Standard).为抗击 差分密码攻击,他们增强了算法的强度, 称PES( Improved PES),并于1992年改 名为da(International Data Encryption Algorithm,国际数据加密算法。)
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The discovery of the ozone hole The British Antarctic Survey has been monitoring for many years, the total column ozone levels at its base at Halley bay in the antarctica Monitoring data indicate that column ozone levels have been decreasing since 1977. This observation was later confirmed by satellite
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1963年美国 Honeywell公司s(Integrated Data Store)系统投入运行。 。1965年美火箭公司用IDS帮助设计阿波罗登 月火箭。 。1968年IBM公司:层次IMS。 1969年美 CODASYL:网状DBTG标准年。 1970年IBM的E..Codd提出关系模型。 20世纪70年代以层次、网状为主流。 20世纪80年代关系系统逐渐代替层次与网状
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The Data of macroeconomics * Measure of economic activity Gross Domestic Product(GDP) Total expenditure on domestically-produced final goods and services Total income earned by domestically located factors of production
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1. Overview-the many levels of systems biology 2. Experimental methods for measuring protein-protein interactions and their limitations 3. Data sources for information about proteins and their
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Chapter 3 Techniques in Cell Biology Preparatory observe put forward theoretics Design control tests Refer to knowledge Collect data Explain results Devise conclusion
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