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Non-Inertial Reference Frame Gravitational attraction The Law of Universal Attraction was already introduced in lecture D1. The law postulates that the force of attraction between any two particles, of masses M and m, respectively, has a magnitude, F, given by F= (1) where r is the distance between the two particles, and G is the universal constant of gravitation. The value of G is empirically determined to be
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从内蒙古某处土壤中分离出一株分解尿素的产氨细菌(命名为 JAT-1),革兰氏阴性,菌落表面平整湿润,乳白色,短杆状.菌体尺寸为φ0.2~0.4μm×1.5~2.0μm.结合16S rDNA测定和菌株系统发育树分析,其与Providencia Sp. Sam 130-9A同源性高达99%.对其生长特性研究结果表明:JAT-1以10 g×L-1柠檬酸钠作为碳源,20 g×L-1尿素作为氮源,最佳生长pH值范围为8.0——9.5,最佳初始接种浓度20%.采用该细菌进行碱性铜矿摇瓶浸出实验,144 h后铜浸出率可达42.38%,表明该菌株具有应用于碱性铜矿浸出的潜力
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ration and Use: A Seminar via Interne Analysis of two alternative harvesting systems hosted by the World Bank, July 2000. The in peninsular Malaysia: sensitive analysis of conferenceWebsiteiswww.worldbank.org/ Alexander, m. rowell, T.A. 1999. Recent anagement Inc., Washington, DC. developments in management planning and Brown, S, Sathaye, J, Cannel, M.& Kauppi, P. monitoring on protected sites in the United 1996. Management of forests for mitigation of
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第二章多元函数 2-3习题讨论 23-1讨论题 23-2参考解答 习题讨论 题目 )设xn,yn∈R\,且 limx=x, lim y=y,证明 lim(,,,)=(,y) (2)函数f(x,y)=(,列在R\×R\中连续 (二)在长方体T内任取一点M0,是否一定存在一张过点M的平 面∏I,将该长方体恰分成两等份 (三)设集合A,BCR”,证明
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3.1 X(eo)=2xnJe-jon where x[n] is a real sequence. Therefore X(e)=Rl∑xnlo/。 ∑xR(-mu)=∑ x[n]cos(on),and xmm)=m∑刈nm∑刈mc-m)=-2 xn] sin(oon) Since cos(on)and sin(on)are, respectively, even and odd functions of o, Xre(eJo) is an even function of o
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第六章循环控制 【题6.1-6.56】 CBAAD CBB(CA)(DC) BCAAC CCB(BC)(BC)(BD) BDDB DBBCA CDCCD D(BC)BDC(CD)(CA)DBD CCCCB BBBBA A 【题6.57】【1】c=n 【2】c>=0&&c<=9 【题6.58】【1】 double 【2】pi+1.0/(i*i) 【题6.59】【1】x1 【2】x1/2-2 【题6.60】【1】r=m,mn,n=r【2】m%n 【题6.61】 sjhiu
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一、解释:(20%) 1、单位转速 H nD n 1 11 = 表示当 D1=1m,H=1m 时水轮机具有的转速。 2、飞逸转速 当水轮机发电机组突然丢弃全部负荷时,如调速机构失灵或其它原因使导水机构 不能关闭,机组转速将迅速升高并达到某一最大值,该转速称作飞逸转速
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2.2 Estimating Overall Forces -Vertical dead loads(5~10kN/m²) -Vertical live loads = equivalent dead loads(2~5kN/m²) - Horizontal wind load - Horizontal earthquake load 2.3 Aspect Ratios and Overturn Resistance Aspect ratio (h/d) is one of the main considerations in schematic level. It is very important for overall stability of a building against overturning. 2.4 Strength and Stiffness of Buildings Carrying capacity –enough strength (against loads) Rigidity of building – enough stiffness (against deformation) 2.5 Symmetry and Asymmetry in Building Forms Asymmetry building is caused by: - asymmetry of building elevation - asymmetry of supporting system - asymmetry of dead loads or live loads
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Our task How to estimate and test discount factor model. Ep,=E(m (data 1, parameter)) 1. Bring an asset pricing model to data to estimate free parameters. For example, parameter,yinm=B(c+1/c)-y Or the b in m=b f 2. Evaluate the model, is it a good model or not? Is another model better?
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BE.410 Spring 2003-Lecture 21 Image removed due to copyright considerations Figure 1 and 2 in Evans, E and A. Yeung Cortical shell-liquid core model for passive flow of liquid-like spherical cells into micropipets Biophysical Journal 56(1): 139-49 July 1989) 和以81mh(m41m如) era rgion incid Arie /dorms a
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