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1.请尽可能访问以下有关高性能并行计算的网址: ieee/cs ParaScope (http: //computer.org/parascope/), world-wide parallel computing sites High Performance Computing Lists (http: //www.cs.colorado.edu/homes/mcbryan/public _html/bb/2/summary.html) the language list (http://cuiwww.unige.ch/langlist)enumerate programming languages top 500 (http:/www. netlib.org/benchmark/top500. html)
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Teaching points I. Background information II. Introduction to the passage III. Text analysis IV rhetorical devices V. Questions for discussion
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国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,IMF)与世界银行合称为“布雷顿森 林机构”,是战后货币合作、金融合作 、经济合作的产物,与关税与贸易总协 (General Ageement on Tariff and Trade, 简称GATT,1999年起正式改称为世界贸 易组织, World Trade Organization,简称 WTO)共同构成了战后国际经济秩序的三 大支柱
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More Problems With Culture 1. The culture concept has been used and misused This notion has traveled around the world it can be considered one of Anthropology's great successes b. Culture has also been distorted 1. Assumptions that cultures have clear boundaries
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Questions on the text 1. Why and how do people change their attitude towards environment? 2. How did Canada protect its fish supply and what was the result? 3. What measures did Costa Rica take to protect its remaining forest? 4. What does the writer think of Brazil's environment protection?
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Population, environment and development For example World population has more than doubled in only 43 years, from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 5.5 billion in 1993. Unless death rates rise sharply, it may reach 11 billion by 2045, and 14 billion by 2100 Resources, economic development, and resource scarcity All countries seek economic growth: increasing their capacity to provide goods and services for final
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Lecture 7 Tourism and Sustainable Development Tourism is the world's largest industry(WTTC et al., 1995). It employs approximately one in nine workers worldwide, comprising 6% of global gross national product (GNP) and, it has been seen as a panacea for solving many social problems and for driving economic growth
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The United States is by far the largest producer of dried fruits, raisins and prunes being the most important tonnage-wise, with figs, apples, apricots, peaches and pears following in order of tonnage produced Other countries with a substantial export trade in dried fruits are Greece(producing 90 percent of the world's currant supply), Iran, Turkey, Portugal,raq, Algeria, Australia, Argentina, Egyptand South Africa. Ofthe above, the Middle East countries are particularly in the drying of figs and dates
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A General Survey of the United Kingdom Teaching Material: The Society and Culture of Major Englishh-Speakin Countries-An Introduction By Higher Education Press) Teaching Objectives: This course is mainly to make known to the students the British politics, culture as well as society at large, and its position in the world as far as its long
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Can Germany and Japan be reinvigorated? THEY are the world's' second-and- third-large- economies. Measured at market exchange rates, Japan and Germany together make up about 20% of global output. And they are both in a mess
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