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第一节 螺纹及螺纹联接的主要类型 第二节 螺纹联接的拧紧与防松 第三节 螺栓组联接的受力分析(Force analysis) 第四节 单个螺纹联接的强度计算 第五节 提高螺栓联接强度的措施
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了解扭转的概念,薄壁圆筒的扭转 熟悉扭矩、扭矩图,圆轴扭转时的应力, 圆轴扭转时的强度计算掌握圆轴扭转时的 变形和刚度计算,提高圆轴扭转强度和刚 度的措施
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1.了解滚动轴承的分类,结构、类型、代号; 2.掌握滚动轴承选择的方法,能进行寿命计算等;
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传动零件必须借助其他零部件的支持才能传递运动与动力。这种起支持作用的零 部件称为支承零部件。支承零部件主要有轴和轴承
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( 1)轴和轴承在预期寿命内不失效; ( 2)轴上零件在轴上准确定位与固定,以及轴系在箱体上的可靠固定; (3)轴系结构有良好的工艺性; (4)好的经济性
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Here we'll discuss the basic idea behind an engine, and then go into detail about how all the pieces fit together and how to increase performance Internal Combustion Almost all cars currently use what is called a four-stroke combustion cycle to convert gasoline into motion. The four-stroke approach is also known as the otto cycle
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Statics, Dynamics and Mechanical Engineering 1、 Introduction Mechanics Science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces The field of Classical mechanics can be divided into three categories 1)Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
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Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Sections 今 Fluid statics Fluid Dynami Aerodynamics Fundamentals S 1. Fluid Properties A fluid is a substance that deforms
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Thermal Sciences and Mechanical Engineering Sections 1 Introduction, 2. The Concept of Temperature 3. Heat Transfer 4. Thermodynamics, 5. Thermal Deformation, 6. Heat Treatment 7. Energy and Environment, 8 Summary Objectives
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