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DESIGN METHODOLOGY goaL-- Produce design for chemical plant that: Is economically acceptable and Is operable,ie., eIs safe → Is controllable Is reliable,and Is environmentally acceptable
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WHATIS DESIGN??? A DESIGN IS PLAN FOR Manufacturing an artifact E A refrigerator or a rug Building the mean of manufacture E Afactory or a chemical plant Building a structure E A bridge or a baseball stadium Implementing an organization A hospital emergency room E A air transportation system
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目录 0.1物理化学课程的内容 0.2学习物理化学的要求及方法 0.3物理量的表示及运算
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Introduction 1.WHAT is financial control? 2. WHY .. do we need it? 3.HOW .. do we do it? 4. WHEN.. do we do it? 5.WHO .. is involved?
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Marciano Siniscalchi October 28, 1999 Introduction [Again, by and large, I will follow OR, Chap. 8, so will keep these notes to a minimum.] Review of key definitions Recall our three payoff aggregation criteria: discounting, i.e
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❖ biochemistry的概念 ❖ biochemistry研究任务和内容 ❖ biochemistry与有关科学的关系 ❖ Biochemistry 发展简史 ❖ Biochemistry的应用 ❖ biochemistry的学习方法
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自适应控制(英文)_Lecture12 Auto-tuning and Gain Introduction
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12-1电磁辐射的基本特征 12-2辐射与物质的相互作用 12-3光学分析法的分类 12-4光学光谱法的仪器
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8-1电分析化学方法及分类 8-2电化学电池 8-2-1概念、术语 8-22电池电动势与能斯特方程式 8-23从电极电位计算电池电动势 83电化学过程中的几个问题 8-3-1电极反应的电子转移过程 83-2电极反应速率 8-3-3电极与溶液的界面 83-4传质过程 8-4电化学电池的重要部件 8-4-1液接界电位与盐桥 8-4-2电极的类型
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◼ 精细化工的诞生 ◼ 精细化工产品的特点 ◼ 精细化工产品的分类 ◼ 精细化工产品的生产过程和发展模式
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