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Example 2: Find the three inductance appearing in the T equivalent of the transformer shown in Fig., if L2=4H and the input inductance at A-B is 6H with C-D open-circuited, and 2H with C-D short-circuited
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Example 2: (p175-12) resistor, capacitor, and voltage source=100cos300n are all in series. If the average power dissipated by the resistor is 150W and the rms capacitor voltage is 10v, determine R and C
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The forced response The steady state responseThe(t) has been switched into the circuit at some remote U.=V. cos ot time in the past, and the natural response has died-out completely. The forced response(steady state response)must satisfy the differential equation
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Let us assume a solution i(t=Ae, where a and S, are constant to be determined
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一、名词解释(2×5=10分) 1、岩体完整系数2、岩石吸水率3、扩容4、地基的临塑荷载
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一、名词解释:(2×5=10分) 1.灵敏度2.滑坡3.固结度5、假三轴试验 5最优含水量
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2.1 SOME NOTATION 1. The Summation Notation X, =X1++...+n can be abbreviated as:Σx,orΣx 2. Properties of the Summation Operator
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一、简答题: 1.将模拟基带信号m()=2cos400分别以DSB及SSB下边带方式调制于载波 2cos(2×103元t)上,请画出相应已调信号的幅度频谱(标明频率)
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问题的提出 一、数据背后存在着某种规律性 二、最小二乘保证了3条性质——残差和=0,残差与自变量无关、残差与拟合值无关
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