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62.1 Power Quality Disturbances Periodic Waveform Distortion Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker. Transients Brief Interruptions, Sags, and Swells.Unbalances.Transients Jos Arrillaga 62.2 Power Quality Monitoring University of Canterbury
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7.1 磁场的基本物理量 7.2 磁性材料的磁性能 7.3 磁路及其基本定律 7.4 交流铁心线圈电路 7.5 变压器 7.6 电磁铁
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79.1 IC Logic Family Operation and Characteristics IC Logic Families and Subfamilies TTL Logic Family .CMOS Gregory L. Moss Logic Family ECL Logic Family Logic Family Circuit Parameters. Interfacing Between Logic Families
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78.1Introduction 78.2 The Role of Simulation 78.3 Motivation for the Use of Simulation 78.4 Limitations of Simulation 78.5 Simulation Structure 78.6 The Interdisciplinary Nature of Simulation 78.7 Model Design
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5.1 三相电压 5.2 负载星形联结的三相电路 5.3 负载三角形联结的三相电路 5.4 三相功率
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一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填 在题干的括号内。每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1.在读电路图时,发现有的运放处于开环状态,那么此运放所在的本级电路可能是( )。 A.基本运算电路 B.信号放大电路 C.信号产生电路 D.电压比较器
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第十四章 取代基效应 第十五章 饱和碳原子上的亲核取代效应 第十六章 碳碳重键的亲电加成 第十七章 消去反应 第十八章 分子重排反应 第十九章 周环反应
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77.1 Introduction to Telemetry 77.2 Measuring and Transmitting 77.3 Applications of Telemetry Power Sources. Power Plants 77.4 Limitations of Telemetry 77.5 Transmitters and Batteries 77.6 Receivers and Discriminators 77.7 Antennas and Total System
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76.1Introduction 76.2 Loop Filter 76.3Noise 76.4 PLL Design Procedures Steven L. Maddy 76.5Components RLM Research 76.6 Applications
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:678.34KB 文档页数:26
75.1 Mobile Radio and Cellular Communications cation and The Difference between Fixed-to-Fixed Radio Communication an Mobile Communication-Natur tural Problems in Mobile Radio Communications. Description of Mobile Radio Systems
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