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Transmission Video Formats and Applications. Intensity Modulation.Noise Limitations. Linearity Requirements.Laser Linearity. Clipping. External Modulation.Miscellaneous Impairments Summary 71.2 Long Distance Fiber Optic Communications T.E. Darcie ATeT Bell Laboratories Coupler.Isolator. Connectors and Splices.Optical
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95.1 Introduction 95.2 Classifications 95.3 Types of Parallel Processors
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99.1 Introduction 99.2 History 99.3 The Internet Today
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83.1 Light-Emitting Diodes Semiconductor Device Principles • Semiconductor Materials • Device Efficiency • Interfacing 83.2 Liquid-Crystal Displays Principle of Operation • Interfacing 83.3 The Cathode Ray Tube
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85.1 Digital IC Testing Taxonomy of Testing • Fault Models • Test Pattern Generation • Output Response Analysis 85.2 Design for Test The Testability Problem • Design for Testability • Future for Design
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84.1 Introduction 84.2 The Analog and Digital Signal Interface 84.3 Analog Signal Conditioning 84.4 Sample-and-Hold and A/D Techniques in Data Acquisition
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一、质量控制的概念 二、法规文件对监理单位质量责任规定 三、质量管理体系 四、影响施工阶段工程质量的主要因素 五、质量控制的任务与制度 六、质量控制的方法 七、监理工程师质量控制的依据 八、协助发包人做好承包人进场前的准备工作
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88.1 Introduction 88.2 Memory Hierarchies 88.3 Cache Memories 88.4 Parallel and Interleaved Memories 88.5 Virtual Memory 88.6 Research Issues
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93.1 Introduction 93.2 Hardware Redundancy 93.3 Information Redundancy 93.4 Time Redundancy 93.5 Software Redundancy 93.6 Dependability Evaluation
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