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什么行为应当受到惩罚? 惩罚的程度是多少? 例1:高额罚金和短期监禁之间的选择。 例2:监狱人满为患。是建造另外
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●t分布 ◎t分布也称“学生分布” ◎t分布是对称分布,以0为对称轴。 ①t分布是一个与自由度有关的分布
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例1:富有的叔叔。 例2:生锈的汽车。 例3:蚱蜢捕杀器
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Questions from Last Lecture Demand for money↑ =)=l ,Y) ↑ while fixed →l(r,y: hold& to balance the pressure ofd↑; hold,↑ to balance
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7.1.1 各种违约赔偿补救方式 7.1.2 赔偿补救方式模型分析 7.1.3 对履约和信任的投资
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3.1法的概念 3.2法的特征与内容 3.3法的产生发展 3.4法系 3.5法律与道德的关系
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The money market LM curve The theory of liquidity preference
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How the sr and lr differ In the Lr, prices are flexible and can respond to changes in S or D. In the Sr many prices are stuck at some predetermined level In the sr, monetary policy does have a potent effect on output and employment
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Goal Develop the Solow Growth Model How much of the economy's output should be consumed today and how much should be saved for the future? Static analysis(Ch. 3)> Dynamic
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一、最优的集体选择规则 二、成本模型 三、一项集体选择规则的决策成本
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