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8.1 Major Modes of Regulation 8.2 Inhibiting Enzyme Activity 8.3 Modification of Enzymes 8.4 DNA Binding Proteins 8.5 Negative Control of Transcription:Repression and Induction 8.6 Positive Control of Transcription
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4.10 Flagella and Motility 4.11 Gliding Motility 4.12 Bacterial Responses: Chemotaxis,Phototaxis, and other Taxes 4.13 Bacterial Cell Surface Structuresand Cell Inclusions 4.14 Gas Vesicles 4.15 Endospores
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Lecture 1 1.1 Microbiology 1.2 Microorganisms as Cells 1.3 Microorganism and Their NaturalEnvironments 1.4 The Impact of Microorganisms onHumans
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生物统计学:《生物统计附试验设计》课程教材(第三版)附录 常用生物统计方法的SAS程序
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《微生物学》课程教学资源(前沿进展)膳食-微生物群互作以调控人体代谢(中文)Diet–microbiota interactions as moderators of human metabolism
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《微生物学》课程教学资源(前沿进展)宿主通过粪便中的microRNA塑造肠道菌群(英文原文)The Host Shapes the Gut Microbiota via Fecal MicroRNA
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《微生物学》课程教学资源(前沿进展)“神药”二甲双胍降糖之谜,肠道微生物或能解答(英文原文)Metformin Is Associated With Higher Relative Abundance of Mucin-Degrading Akkermansia muciniphila and Several Short-Chain Fatty Acid–Producing Microbiota in the Gut
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《微生物学》课程教学资源(前沿进展)2型糖尿病与能穿透结肠黏液的细菌有关(英文原文)Structural modulation of gut microbiota during alleviation of type 2 diabetes with a Chinese herbal formula
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