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age: 2 线性规划经典问题 生产计划问题 某工厂拥有A、B、C三种类型的设备,生产甲、乙、丙 、丁四种产品。每件产品在生产中需要占用的设备机时 数,每件产品可以获得的利润以及三种设备可利用的时 数如下表所示:
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Application of MR2T2 algorithm in statistical mechanics Canonical ensemble: Distribution function: p(rN)=exp(-E(rN)/KT)/Q Q= JdrN exp(-E(rN)/kT) Different states of the Markov chain: In the application of Metropolis algorithm to a simulation of molecular system, the states of the Markov chain correspond to different configurations of the molecular system
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习题2 2.甲、乙、丙3人进行独立射击,每人的命中率依次为0.3,0.4,0.6,设每人射击一次,试求3人命中总数之概率分布律.解用表示3人命中总数,则X的取值为0,1,2,3用A表示“甲命中”,B表示“乙命中”,C表示“命中”.则
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DEFINITIONS EQUIPMENT RATING: Given the input streams, operating parameters, and size parameters, determine the equipment performance and output streams EQUIPMENT SIZING: Given the input streams and the performance specifications, estimate the economically important size parameters using approximate methods EQUIPMENT DESIGN: Produce a design in enough detail to guide the fabrication of the item of equipment
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第五章习题解 (1)解:①冷凝器真空度为90kPa 绝对压强:101390=113kPa该压强下二次蒸汽温度Tk=473℃ 加热蒸汽绝压300kPa,对应温度T=13.3℃ 查NaOH溶液杜林图,50%NaOH溶液在113kPa下沸点84℃ A=84-473=36.7℃
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线性方程组求解代码汇编 问题:求Ax=b的解,A是M阶可逆方阵; 约定:算法中用到的是M×N增广矩阵,N=M+1; 变量:i,j,k等为整型变量,x,y,z为实型变 1.把任意M阶线性方程组化为上三角形方程 组的C语言代码:
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认识黑客(Hacker) Hacker起源 Hack:(1) cut roughly or clumsily,chop(砍、辟) (2)horse may be hired (3) person paid to do hard and uninteresting work as a writer 引伸义:干了一件漂亮的事。 Hacker:也指恶作剧 Hacker differs from Cracker
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JMP Golf Design Group is an internationally Project types range from private country renowned golf course architectural firm clubs and full-service resorts to semi-private with a reputation for creating award-winnin facilities and public courses The full scope courses with masterful landscape design. The of JMP's design services includes site evalua
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运动的机制: 地球作为一个旋转球体,应服从角动量守 恒定律,即: C=Io I为转动惯量;a为自转角速度;C为角动 量,为常数 I=MR2 R为地球半径;M为地球质量,M不变 V=RV为线速度 C=MVR
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12-1电磁辐射的基本特征 12-2辐射与物质的相互作用 12-3光学分析法的分类 12-4光学光谱法的仪器
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