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Evaporation and sputter deposition [15] 1. a)In the plasma of a sputter deposition system, consider an argon atom that is ionized during a collision in the plasma. i) Express the ratio of the acceleration of the liberated electron to that of the argon ion in terms of M and m, the mass of the ion and electron; give the numerical value of this ratio, and say in which
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Ionization and Conduction in a High-pressure Plasma A normal gas at T <3000K is a good electrical insulator, because there are almost no ∼ free electrons in it. For pressure
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1.1 The social role of industrial plasma engineering 1.2 Important definitions 1.3 Plasma physics regimes and issues
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电子科技大学:《聚变等离子体物理 Physics of Fusion Plasma》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)直流放电等离子体 DC charge plasma
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Concentrative urine浓缩尿: Osmolality of urine > plasma osmolality (300mOsm/L H2O) Diluted urine稀释尿: Osmolality of urine < plasma osmolality
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High temperature corrosion tests in 75%Na2SO4-25%. NaCl molten salt have been conducted on waspalloy specimens plasma sprayed with Co-Cr-B-Si, Ni-Cr-B-Si-hCr3C2, X-40, X-40 + TiC and Ni/Al + Al2O3 coatings, test coupons were exposed isothermally at 750℃up to 200 h. After the corrosion tests, each sample was examined by OM, SEM and EMPA. It was found that X-40, X-40 + TiC and Ni/Al + Al2O3 were violently corroded by the molten salt due to cracking and spalling of the coatings, whereas Co-Cr-B-Si and Ni-Cr-B-Si + Cr3C2 exhibited superior corrosion resistance, which were thought to be related to the formation of chromium and silicon oxide film. A possible corrosion mechanism had been proposed and it is suggested that the excellent corrosion resistance and high hot-hardness of the two B-Si containing coatings may be of significance for applications in petroleum refining industry as
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The plasma membrane has a dual responsibility as a selective ely permeable barrier and transductor. The plasma membrane regulares the traffic of molecules into and out of the cell. Gases and small hydrophobic molecules by passive diffusion transport; Ions, sugars, amino acids, and sometimes water must be transported by a group of integral membrane proteins including
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85. The general structure and function of the plasma membrane Introduction The membranes form continuous sheets that form the outer boundaries of the cells or enclose intercellular
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production of plasma cells and memory B cells can be divided into three broad stages: generation of mature, immunocompetent B cells(maturation), activa- Initial Contact between b and T cells tion of mature B cells when they interact with antigen, and differentiation of activated B cells into plasma cells and memory B cells. In many vertebrates, ng humans B-Cell maturation and mice, the bone marrow generates B cells. This process
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OVERVIEW OF THE EFFECTS OF THE SPACE ENVIRONMENT Outgassing in near vacuum Atmospheric drag Chemical reactions Plasma-induced charging Radiation damage of microcircuits, solar arrays, and sensors single event upsets in digital devices Hyper-velocity impacts
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