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Diseases of female genital system Cervix diseases Breast diseases Gestational trophoblastic diseases
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Contents Glomerulonephritis Pyelonephritis Tumors of the kidney and bladder
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1. Chronic bronchitis 2.Pneumonia 3.Pneumoconiosis 4. Carcinoma of the respiratory
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泌尿系统疾病讲授内容 第一节肾小球肾炎 第二节肾盂肾炎 第三节肾和膀胱常见肿瘤
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定义 一、鼻中隔向一侧或俩侧偏曲 二、局部有突起 三、鼻腔功能障碍 四、症状
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鼻窦:鼻腔附近颅骨中的含气空腔 一般两侧对称排列
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颈部疾病 一、颈部肿块 1.先天性疾病 2.炎性疾病 3.血管性疾病 二、肿瘤 1.颈部瘘管 2.颈部创伤
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耳鼻咽喉异物 一、鼻腔及鼻窦异物 二、咽部异物
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etiology 1. chronic irritation 2. reflux of the duodenal juice 3 autoimmune injur 4. helicobacter pylori
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