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广州医科大学(广州医学院):《病理学》课程教学资源(PPP课件,四,英文版)Chapter 10 Urinary System

Contents Glomerulonephritis Pyelonephritis Tumors of the kidney and bladder

Chapter 10 Urinary System Tang Xiping

Chapter 10 Urinary System Tang Xiping

Contents o Glomerulonephritis o Pyelonephritis o Tumors of the kidney and bladder

Contents ⚫ Glomerulonephritis ⚫ Pyelonephritis ⚫ Tumors of the kidney and bladder

Questions How many patterns can inf l ammat ion be classified into? g Which three patterns? a What kind of infl ammat ions are glomeru lonephr itis and pye nephrits?

Questions  How many patterns can inflammation be classified into?  Which three patterns?  What kind of inflammations are glomerulonephritis and pyelonephrits?

structure] kidney ureter bladder urethra

[structure] kidney ureter bladder urethra

Nephron Glomerulus tubule

Nephron Glomerulus tubule

Normal Structure of glomerulus Vascular Capillary pole oopS N说 Mesangium Renal Urinary saccule pole

Vascular pole Urinary pole Capillary loops Renal saccule Mesangium Normal Structure of glomerulus

Capi. loops 正常肾小球 Bowman’s space

正常肾小球 Bowman’s space Capi. loops

Glomerular filtering membrane Fenestrated capIllary GBM Podocytes 绸软

GBM Podocytes Fenestrated capillary Glomerular filtering membrane

[Function 1. Form and discharge urine Excretes the waste Regulates water and salt Maintains acid balance

[Function] 1. Form and discharge urine ➢ Excretes the waste ➢ Regulates water and salt ➢ Maintains acid balance

2 Excrete hormone Renin to regulate blood pressure Erythropoietin to generate rbc 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol to absorb calcium

2. Excrete hormone: Renin —to regulate blood pressure Erythropoietin —to generate RBC 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol —to absorb calcium

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