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4.1 Introduction 4.2 Expressions of concentration 4.3 Partial molar properties 4.4 Two empirical laws in dilute liquid solutions 4.5 Chemical potential of each component in gaseous mixtures 4.6 Liquid mixtures 4.11 Distribution law 4.10 Non-ideal liquid solutions 4.9 Gibbs-Duhem relations 4.8 Colligative properties in dilute liquid solutions 4.7 Chemical potential of each component in dilute liquid solutions
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3.7 热力学第二定律的本质和熵的统计意义 3.8 Concentrating on the system
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(一)定义(definition) 从物质的物理现象和化学现象 的联系入手来探求化学变化基本 规律的一门学科,是整个化学学 科和化学工艺学的理论指导
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Ohm's law states that voltage across many types of conducting materials is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material. U= Ri or R= i R--resis tance()( linear resistor) The resistor is a passive element that cannot deliver power or store energy
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1.性质:本课程是法学专业本科段必修课程 2.任务:本课程的内容包括环境与资源保护法的概述、发展、体系、法学基础理论以及其基本原则,基本制度,自然资源保护法,环境污染防治法,环境管理体制和监督管理制度,环境法律责任和国际环境法
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Lecture D33: Forced Vibration Fosinwt m Spring Force Fs =-kx, k>0 Dashpot Fd =-ci, c>0 Forcing Fext Fo sin wt Newton's Second Law (mix =CF) mx+cx+kx= Fo sin wt =k/m,=c/(2mwn)
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In this lecture, we will revisit the application of Newton's second law to a system of particles and derive some useful relationships expressing the conservation of angular momentum. Center of Mass Consider a system made up of n particles. A typical particle, i, has mass mi, and, at the instant considered, occupies the position Ti relative to a frame xyz. We can then define the center of mass, G, as the point
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So far we have used Newton's second law= ma to establish the instantaneous relation between the sum of the forces acting on a particle and the acceleration of that particle. Once the acceleration is known,the velocity (or position) is obtained by integrating the expression of the acceleration (or velocity). There are two situations in which the cumulative effects of unbalanced forces acting on a particle are of interest to us. These involve:
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In this lecture we will consider the equations that result from integrating Newtons second law, F=ma, in time. This will lead to the principle of linear impulse and momentum. This principle is very useful when solving problems in which we are interested in determining the global effect of a force acting on a particle over a time interval Linear momentum We consider the curvilinear motion of a particle of mass, m, under the influence of a force F. Assuming that
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is a vector equation that relates the magnitude and direction of the force vector, to the magnitude and direction of the acceleration vector. In the previous lecture we derived expressions for the acceleration vector expressed in cartesian coordinates. This expressions can now be used in Newton's second law, to produce the equations of motion expressed in cartesian coordinates
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