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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语三年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 It's the ABC song.Module 1 Unit 1 It's the ABC song.习题(1)
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Teaching points I. Background information II. Introduction to the passage III. Text analysis IV rhetorical devices V. Questions for discussion
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Disioint-set data structure (Union-Find) Problem: maintain a dynamic collection of pairwise-disjoint sets S=(S Each set S; has one element distinguished as the representative element, rep[sil lust support 3 operations
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4.1菲涅耳(Fresnel)公式 入射光在媒质界面处分为反射和折射两部分。 一振动矢量的分解 将振动矢量分解为垂直于入射面的S分量和平行于入面的P分量P、S和k构成右 手系。S沿+y方向为正。图示为各个分量的正方向
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Above, analysis for multivariable control systems with respect to nominal and robust st ability as well as nominal and robust performan has been assessed. It was assumed that the spec- ifications for robustness were given in terms of weight matrices Wu(s) and Wu2(s), and that the performance specifications similarly were given by weight matrices Wpi(s) and Wp2()
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钢管订购和运输优化模型 要铺设一条A1→A2→…→A13的输送天然气的主管道,如图一所示(见反 面)。经筛选后可以生产这种主管道钢管的钢厂有S1,S2,S图中粗线表示铁 路,单细线表示公路,双细线表示要铺设的管道(假设沿管道或者原来有公路,或 者建有施工公路),圆圈表示火车站,每段铁路、公路和管道旁的阿拉伯数字表示 里程(单位km) 为方便计,1km主管道钢管称为1单位钢管
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利用微分估算误差限举例 例:设某机器上一个圆形的铁片零件的搬进的设计要 求为 r=100±05mm 试求这个园形铁片的面积的绝对误差限和相对误差 限 解:由S=πr2得: Ids=2T dr =2TT 100 0.5=314 mm T·r dIn(s)= dr=1/100 S· 答:(略)
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Ch. 5 Hypothesis Testing The current framework of hypothesis testing is largely due to the work of Neyman and Pearson in the late 1920s, early 30s, complementing Fisher's work on estimation. As in estimation, we begin by postulating a statistical model but instead of seeking an estimator of 6 in e we consider the question whether
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pleased to inform you that the goods (four containers of microwave and washing machine) under S/C No. CX-ETNSQ06 will dispatch by S.s. PRINCESS V.336on May 20th 2000 and it will arrive in TORONTO on
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