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一、财务分析的内涵 关于财务分析的定义,不同的学者有不同的认识。 美国南加州大学教授 Water. Meigs认为,财务分析的本质在于搜集与决策有关的各 种财务信息,并加以分析与解释的一种技术。美国纽约市立大学 Leopold. Bernstiein认为, 财务分析是一种判断的过程,旨在评估企业现在和过去的财务状况及经营成果,其主要目的 在于对企业的经营状况及经营业绩进行最佳预测台湾政治大学教授洪国赐等认为
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pH of a buffer and buffer capacity Example: For a buffer solution consisting of 0. 1 M acetic acid and o1M sodium acetate the ph of the solution is 4.75 HAc= i If an amount of hydrochloric acid equivalent to 10% of the acetate present, is added to the buffer, what is the new pH of the solution?
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Vibrio sp Gram-negative rods Curves or comma shaped Non-spore forming Highly motile-single polar flagella Associated with salt water Oxidase positive
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该门课程属于必修专业课,请同学们认真学习,努力掌握! 水土流失( soil erosion and water loss)是指“在水力、风力、重力等外营力作用下,山丘区及风 沙区水土资源和土地生产力的破坏和损失。水土流失包括土壤侵蚀及水的损失,也称水土损失”(见 《中国大百科全书·水利卷》第400页)。土壤侵蚀的形式除雨滴油蚀、片蚀、细沟侵蚀以及滑坡等 形式侵蚀。水的损失一般是指植物截留损失、地面及水面蒸发损失、植物蒸腾损失、深层滲漏损 失、坡地径流损失
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1、美国南加州大学教授 c Water b Me i gs 2、美国纽约市立大学 Leopol d a Bernstein 3、台湾政治大学教授洪国赐等 4、东北财经大学教授张先治等
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Contents x section a- The microbial world Section 1- The Chlorophyta and t Sectionb-Microbial metabolism Protista D Section C-Information storage and Section J-The viruses
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Introduction: Sediments In The Rock Cycle Sediments are transported by: Water. ce Wind. Gravity. The transport and deposition of sediments are initial phases of the rock cycle. The ultimate fate of most sediment is burial and conversion to sedimentary rock
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Section 1 Soil three phases Constitution Soil density and bulk density (- Soil density (or Particle density Soil density is the density of the solid soil particles only; the measurement does not include water weight or pore(air)space. The dominant soil minerals- quartz, feldspars, micas, and clay minerals
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Effect of environmental factors on growth Water availability, pH, temperature, oxygen concentration, pressure, radiation, and a number of other environmental factors influence microbial growth. Yet many microorganisms, and particularly bacteria, have managed to adapt and flourish under environmental extremes that would destroy most organisms
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Some key facts 2. 8 billion people two in five--stil struggle to survive on less than $2 a dav In 2000, 1. 1 billion people did not have reasonable access to safe drinking water World population will increase from 6.4 billion today to 8.9 billion by 2050
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