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Notes LECTURE Biochemistry 9.17.04 ATP is both a unit of energy currency in a cell and a building block of RNA. Why? It is believed that early in evolution there were very few molecules around. Many key pathways are ancient, and trace their origin to the early stages of evolution of life on Earth. Incidentally, such pathways are usually highly conserved in modern organisms. This is probably because once
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本病是由BVDV引起的一种牛的急性和慢性传染病,其特征为粘膜发炎、糜烂、坏死和腹泻。 黄病毒科、瘟病毒属的成员,单股RNA,有囊膜,35-55nm。 本病毒能在牛肾、睾丸、鼻甲、气管等细胞增殖传代。 与猪瘟病毒、羊边界病毒同属、有密切抗原关系
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肠道病毒是一大群寄居于人消化道细胞内增殖的病毒。 特点: 1.病毒体呈球形,衣壳为20面体立体对称,无包膜。 2.核心为单股正链RNA,具有感染性。 3.在宿主细胞浆内增殖,有较强的杀细胞作用。 4.耐乙醚和酸,较耐热
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Review of markov models DNA Evolution CpG Island HMM The viterbi algorithm Real World HMMs Markov models for dna evolution Ch. 4 of Mount
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General introduction Gram-negative, obligate intracellular coccobacilli bacteria that infect mammals and arthropods Rickettsiae are transmitted in the arthropods, which serves as both vector and reservior Both dna and rna Is sensitive to antibiotic
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主要内容:介绍核酸的分类和化学组成, 重点讨论DNA和RNA的结构特征,初步认识核酸 的结构特征与其功能的相关性;介绍核酸的主 要理化性质和核酸研究的一般方法
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第一节 转录 Transcription 第二节 转译 translation 第三节 遗传密码 The Genetic Code 第四节 遗传密码的破译 Cracking the code 第五节 真核生物RNA
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介绍核酸的分类和化学组成, 重点讨论DNA和RNA的结构特征,初步认识核酸 的结构特征与其功能的相关性;介绍核酸的主 要理化性质和核酸研究的一般方法
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细胞核是真核细胞内最大、最重要的细胞器,它是基因复制 RNA转录的中心,是细胞生命活动的控制中心。 细胞核大多呈球形或卵圆形,但也随物种和细胞类型不同而 有很大变化。核的大小依物种不同而变化,直径为1-20微米不等
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BE. 410 Spring 2003-Lecture 3 Slides Images removed due to copyright considerations See Figures 1 and 2 in Liphardt, Jan, et al. \Reversible Unfolding of Single RNA Molecules
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