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第四章最简单的C程序设计 【题4.1-4.25】DD(BC)DC DADA(BB)DDBDB DADAA BBBAD 【题4.26】i:dec=-4,ct17774 hexfffc, unsigned=65532 【题4.27】*3.140000,3.142* 【题4.28】c:dec=120,oct=170,hex=78, ASCII=x 【题4.29】*d(1)=-2*d(2)=-2*d(3)=-2*
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应用抗震设计反应谱计算地震作用下的结构反应,除砌 体结构、底部框架抗震墙砖房和内框架房屋采用底部剪力法 不需要计算自振周期外,其余均需计算自振周期。 计算方法:矩阵位移法解特征问题、近似公式、经验公式。 一、能量法计算基本周期 设体系按i振型作自由振动
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计算水平地震作用的振型分解反应谱法 作用于i质点上的力有惯性力,弹性恢复力。阻尼力,运动方程
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Magnetic Induction The Divergence of B Magnetic Monopoles The Vector Potential A A and V Integral of A over a Closed Curve
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This lecture presents the two main contributions of \interactive epistemology\ to the the- ory of normal-form games: a characterization of Nash equilibrium beliefs, and a full (i.e. behavioral)characterization of rationalizability. A review of the basic definitions For your convenience, summarize the essential definitions pertaining to models of interactive
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本讲重点: 接口概念,单片机的编址与译码方法; 中断概念,响应条件,处理原则,中断服务; 定时器/计数器工作方式1,2的用法; 串行通讯的波特率,4种工作方式
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ome of the theoretical exercise I will assign are actually well-known results; in other cases you may be able to find the answer in the literature. This is certainly the case for the current My position on this issue is that, basically, if you look up the answer somewhere it's your problem. After all, you can buy answer keys to most textbooks. The fact is, you will not
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哈维法 在激发条件一定,谱线自吸可以忽略的 情况下。谱线强度I1与其邻近背景强度 B之比,与试样中被测元素的浓度C成正比。摄谱法系以光谱感光板作为检测器,故此时应考虑谱线黑度与被测定元素含量的关系.当分析线对的谱线所产生的黑度均落在乳剂特性曲线的直线部分时,对于分析线和内标线分别得到
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已知发电机的端电压、负载电流和功率因数及 参数ra、小q 1、已知内功率因数角ψ 按照电势方程式的关系作出相量图 2、未知内功率因数角ψ 1)利用方程式求出:压l i 2)利用公式求出: arctan aitEap
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Electric Polarization p Bound Charges Gauss Law Electric Displacemant D
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