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教学目标: 掌握单片机中断系统 掌握单片机中断处理过程 掌握中断程序设计 理解中断使用过程中需要注意的问题 教学内容: 6.1 中断的概念 6.2 单片机的中断系统及其管理 6.2.1 中断源及其优先级管理 6.2.2 单片机中断处理过程 6.2.3 中断程序编程举例 6.2.4 中断使用过程中需要注意的问题
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硅基MOS集成电路仍将是微电子技术的主流 微电子工业是国民经济信息化的基石 集成电路是微电子技术的核心, 如果以单位质量的“钢”对国民生产总值的贡献为1来计算,则小轿车为5,彩电为30,计算机100,集成电路是1000
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• To obtain structure and camera motion from an image sequence • Utilize inter-picture dynamics of a sequence – Such as constant speed, acceleration of the camera etc. Part 0 Basic concept of Kalman filter Part 1 Introduction to Kalman filter (KF) and Extended Kalman filters (EKF) Part II Two-pass Kalman filter for structure and pose estimation Description Major reference [Yu, June 2005] Part B Interacting Multiple Model Method (IMM) structure and pose estimation Major reference [Yu Aug.2005] Part C USE Trifocal tensor (TRI-KSFM) structure and pose estimation Major reference [Yu Feb.2005]
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9.1 无线局域网 WLAN 9.1.1 无线局域网的组成 9.1.2 802.11 标准中的物理层 9.1.3 802.11 标准中的 MAC 层 9.1.4 802.11 标准中的 MAC 帧 9.2 无线个人区域网 WPAN 9.3 无线城域网 WMAN
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9.1 无线局域网 WLAN 9.1.1 无线局域网的组成 9.1.2 802.11 标准中的物理层 9.1.3 802.11 标准中的 MAC 层 9.1.4 802.11 标准中的 MAC 帧 9.2 无线个人区域网 WPAN 9.3 无线城域网 WMAN 9.4 蜂窝移动通信网 9.4.1 蜂窝移动通信简介 9.4.2 移动 IP 9.4.3 蜂窝移动通信网中对移动用户的路由选择 9.4.4 GSM 中的切换 9.4.5 无线网络对高层协议的影响 9.5 两种不同无线上网
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1 Introduction 2 Learning to Hash Isotropic Hashing Supervised Hashing with Latent Factor Models Supervised Multimodal Hashing with SCM Multiple-Bit Quantization 3 Distributed Learning Coupled Group Lasso for Web-Scale CTR Prediction Distributed Power-Law Graph Computing 4 Stochastic Learning Distributed Stochastic ADMM
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 4. 1 Introduction  4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks  4.3 What’s inside a router  4.4 IP: Internet Protocol  Datagram format  IPv4 addressing  ICMP  IPv6  4.5 Routing algorithms  Link state  Distance Vector  Hierarchical routing  4.6 Routing in the Internet  RIP  OSPF  BGP  4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing
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 3.1 Learning Problems  3.2 The least square method (LSM)  3.3 Linear regression analysis  1 Simple Linear Regression  2 Multiple Regression  3 Understanding the Regression Output  4 Coefficient of Determination R2  5 Validating the Regression Model
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5.1 Principles of Concurrency • 5.1.0 What is concurrency • 5.1.1 A Simple Example • 5.1.2 Race Condition • 5.1.3 Operating System Concerns • 5.1.4 Process Interaction • 5.1.5 Requirements for Mutual Exclusion 5.2 Mutual Exclusion • 5.2.1 Hardware approaches • 5.2.2 Software approaches
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13.1 内容安全的概念 • 13.2.1 不良文本过滤主要方法 • 13.2.2 中文分词 13.2 文本过滤 13.3话题发现和跟踪 13.4 内容安全分级监管 13.5 多媒体内容安全技术简介
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