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教师是人类灵魂的工程师? 像建筑学那样设计学习空间,像物理学那样设计设备,像社会学、人类学那样设计社会环境,像组织科 学那样设计教学管理方法,像心理学那样设计有效的学习条件。从这 个意义上说,教育技术就是教育工程
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线性规划是运筹学中最重要的部分,全球500强中90%应用线性规划帮助决策,产生极大的 经济效益 运筹学的产生 最早进行的运筹学工作是以英国生理学家希尔为首的英国国防部防空试验小组在第一次世界 大战期间进行的高射炮系统利用研究
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模糊数学的基本概念; 模糊关系与模糊矩阵; 模糊聚类分析法; 模糊模式识别法; 案例分析:中介服务机构信誉评估。 模糊综合评判法;
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德国施普林格(Springer-Verlag-)是世界上 著名的科技出版集团。通过 Springer--LINK 系统提供学术期刊及电子图书的在线服务。 主站网的网址为: http: //link,springer.de/ol /index. htm 我馆已购置了 Springer--link数据库, 现国内镜像站已经正式开通,提供 Springer -LINK电子期刊的全文在线服务
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一、前言 二、波的基本概念 三、平面简谐波方程 四、波动方程与波速 五、平均能流密度·声强与声压 六、波的叠加和千涉·驻波 七、多普勒效应
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1. understand the main idea (despite his wealth, Sam Walton remains down-home and devoted to his team) and the structure of the text; 2. appreciate the use of indirect description in portraying person: 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text
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1. grasp the main idea( tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writer s family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life.) 2. appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer comparison and contrast, topic sentences followed by detail sentences
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violent crimes robbery, aggravated assault hijack forcible rape, murder, bombing kidnapping, shooting a Property crimes arson, burglary, larceny-theft, fraud, motor/ vehicle theft Neighborhood Watch in Britain, there is an arrangement by which people who live in a particular
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Students will be able to 1. understand the main idea and the structure of the text. 2 earn to memorize words in association 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4. conduct a series of reading, listening speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit
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