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生命的起源和定义 生命的基本特征 生命科学的重要性 生命科学的分支学科 生命科学的研究方法
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Outline 4.1: Amino Acids: Building Blocks of Proteins 4.2: Acid-Base Chemistry of Amino Acids 4.3: Reactions of Amino Acids 4.4: Optical Activity and Stereochemistry of Amino Acids 4.5: Spectroscopic Properties of Amino Acids 4.6: Separation and Analysis of a.a. Mixtures
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Outline 6.1 Forces Influencing protein structure 6.2 Role of the amino acid sequence in Protein structure 6.3 Secondary structure of proteins 6.4 Protein Folding and tertiary structure 6.5 Subunit Interactions and Quaternary Structure
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Primary Structure Sequencing Nucleic Acids核酸序列测定 Chain termination method (dideoxy method), developed by F. Sanger Base-specific chemical cleavage, developed by Maxam and Gilbert Both use autoradiography- X-ray film develops in response to presence of radioactive isotopes in nucleic acid molecules
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第一节脊索动物的起源和演化 第二节 人类的起源和进化
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广义地讲杀菌剂也是防腐剂的一部分,它包括 还原型杀菌剂与氧化型杀菌剂两大类。 亚硫酸及其盐类属于还原型杀菌剂,由于其还原作用而 具有杀菌及漂白的能力,亚硫酸及其盐类安排在漂白 剂内讨论
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概括起来就是要严格根据果蔬加工工艺的要求,选择适合的果蔬 种,要求原料具有良好的感官品质和营养价值,出汗率高或成 率高,新鲜、无病虫害和腐烂、无机械损伤、成熟度和糖酸比 适宜、耐贮运和商品价值高
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