54.1Introduction 54.2 Polar Dielectrics Roger W.Whatmore 54.3 The Pyroelectric Effect Cranfield University 54.4 Pyroelectric Materials and Their Selection 54.1 Introduction
53.1 Introduction Terry P. Orlando 53.2 General Electromagnetic Properties Massachusetts Institute of 53.3 Superconducting Electronics Technology 53.4 Types of Superconductors 53.1 Introduction The fundamental idea behind all of superconductorsu' properties is that superconductivity is quantum
51.1 Introduction 51.2 Equation of State 51.3 Effect of Crystal Point Group on 51.4 Geometric Corrections and Elastoresistance Tensor 51.5 Multivalley Semiconductors 51.6 Longitudinal Piezoresistivity II, and Maximum Sensitivity
50.1 Introduction 50.2 Defining Equations Piezoelectricity and Electrostriction. Electrostriction and V. Sundar and Compliance Matrices Magnitudes and Signs of Electrostrictive R.E. Newnham Coefficients
85.1 Digital IC Testing Taxonomy of Testing • Fault Models • Test Pattern Generation • Output Response Analysis 85.2 Design for Test The Testability Problem • Design for Testability • Future for Design
84.1 Introduction 84.2 The Analog and Digital Signal Interface 84.3 Analog Signal Conditioning 84.4 Sample-and-Hold and A/D Techniques in Data Acquisition