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中国佛学的发展到了清末,由于诸多原因, 已显示下坡趋势;其时,虽有祩宏等四大高僧 出来振臂一呼,但其衰落气象依然。然而,此 时西方却悄然兴起一股佛学热。于是,在近现 代的中国知识界与佛教界一些人士重新检讨以 往的历史,力图振兴佛学研究。这当中,有佛 教组织内部的高僧,也有社会上的知名思想家。 尽管他们的目标或意图不同,但其诸多努力却 在客观上推进了近代中国佛学的复兴
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8.1单件小批定货生产类型的特征 8.2单件小批定货生产类型的生产组织形式 8.3单件小批生产的期量标准生产作业计划
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2.2 生产能力及其核定 2.3 生产与运作类型 2.4 生产与运作组织方式选择 2.1 生产与运作战略概述
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果蔬采后易发生病害 一、由于脱离母体而导致抗病能力下降。 二、果蔬产品富含水分与营养,易于被病原物利用。 三、成熟果蔬产品易受损伤,使得伤夷菌感染增多。 四、随着贮藏时间处长,组织抗性下降
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(1) extra-embryonic blood vessels ---blood island: at the middle of 3 rd week, wall of the yolk sac mesenchyma proliferate and form isolated cell clusters, the peripheral cell become flattened and differentiate into endothelial cell to from endothelial tube; central located cells are detached and develop into primitive blood cells(blood stem cell)
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digestive and respiratory system derived from primitive gut /foregut /midgut /hindgut ---epi. of digestive and respiratory system derived from endoderm ---CT and MT of digestive and respiratory system derived from splanchnic or visceral mesoderm
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1. Development of branchial apparatus * branchial apparatus: including branchial arch, branchial groove, branchial membrane and branchial pouch
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1. Components: ---testis: produce the male germ cells- gametes(sperm) produce androgen-testosterone ---gernital ducts: store and conduct the sperm epididymis ductus deferens ejaculatory duct
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1. Components ---nose ---pharynx ---larynx ---trachea ---bronchi ---lung
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---Digestive system: Digestive tract Digestive gland
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