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一、正交多项式与最小二乘拟合Orthogonal Polynomials Least-Squares Approximation 已知x1…,xm;y…ym求一个简单易算的近
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医最为忧心的事情发生了,同治 腰部和臀部的溃烂蔓延到了一 起,并且溃口外小内深,每天流 出的浓液多达一茶碗。十二月初通④ 四日,但见同治“上唇肿木,腮 紫黑肿硬处敷药,屡揭伤皮不能 作脓,时流血水……牙龈黑臭, 势恐口疳穿腮
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定理 3-1:对于固定信道,平均互信息 I(X;Y) 是信源概率分布 p(x)的∩型凸函 数。 定理 3-2:对于固定信源分布,平均互信息 I(X;Y)是信道传递概率 p(y|x)的∪型凸函 数。 定理 3-3:设离散信道的输入序列 X= (X1X2…XN)通过信道传输,接收到的随机序 列为 Y=( Y1Y2…YN),而信道的转移概率为 p(y∣x)
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9.2.2Qx]内多项式的因式分解 定义9.12定义Z[x]={axn+a1x+…+∈Z,i=01n}。 假设f(x)∈Z[x],f(x)≠0及±1。如果g(x)h(x)∈[x],使得f(x)=g(x)h(x), 且g(x)≠±1,h(x)≠±1,则称f(x)在Z[x]内可约,否则称f(x)在Z[x]内不可约 定义9.13设 f(x)=ax+axn+…+an∈Z[x], 这里n≥1。如果(aa1an)=1,则称f(x)是一个本原多项式。 命题Q[x]内一个非零多项式f(x)可以表成一个有理数k和一个本原多项式f(x)的
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1 群 群的定义:假设G是由一些元素组成的集合,即G={…, g, …}. 在G中各 元素间定义了一种合成规则 ( 操作,运算,群的乘法 ). 如果G对这种合 成规则满足以下四个条件:
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Heat Transfer Su Yongkang School of Mechanical Engineering Internal Flow Heat Transfer Where we’ve been …… Introduction to internal flow, basic concepts, energy balance
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Heat Transfer Su Yongkang School of Mechanical EngineeringInternal Flow Heat Transfer Where we’ve been …… Introduction to internal flow, boundary layer growth, entry effects Where we’re going:
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Heat Transfer Su Yongkang School of Mechanical Engineering External Flow: Other Shapes Where we’ve been …… Empirical correlations and analytical solutions Where we’re going: Applications to other shapes (cylinders and spheres)
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Heat Transfer Su Yongkang School of Mechanical Engineering External Flow: Flat Plate Where we’ve been …… General overview of the convection transfer equations. Developed the key non-dimensional parameters used to characterize the boundary layer flow and convective heat and mass transfer
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