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病因 疾病影响: ①急慢性感染:迁延性腹泻 ②先天畸形:唇裂、腭裂、幽门肥大性狭窄、 先心,由于摄入↓,消耗↑ 喂养不当: 婴幼儿期生长发育迅速,需要增加,如只喂淀粉,缺少蛋白质、脂肪,不及时添加副食
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一、占先心病20~30%,女性多见 二、成人期最常见的先心病
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SCMC Heart structure Heart is an complex spatial structure Differences in the pathophysiology of cardiac disease Pediatrics: congenital heart disease Adults: atherosclerotic heart disease
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泌尿系统 urinary system 泌尿系统包括肾脏( kidney) 输尿管( ureter)、膀胱( bladder) 及尿道( urethra)。肾脏不但是重 要的排泄器官,也是维持机体内环 科境稳定的重要调节器官和内分泌器
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Neonatal Respiratory Distress Clinical Menifestation Neonatal pulmonary function The main causes Main types of the disease Case discussion and presentation Summary and conclusion
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Incidence Thyroid hormone deficiency may:or acquired Congenital: most cases are hypoplasia or aplasia of the thyroid gland
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Short stature Below the 3rd percentile or -2SD than that of his or her peers Short stature has many causes, the pathologic short stature should be suspected in children who have an abnormal growth velocity or who are significantly short for their family
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Inborn errors of metabolism Overview Disorders in which defects of single gene cause clinically significant blocks in metabolic pathways Many kinds of disorders Lower incidence Clinical manifestations vary widely: mental retardation, seizure, hypotonia, failure to thrive
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1.小儿体液的总量 年龄越小,水分的比例越大. 体液的总量在新生儿为80% 年长儿为65% 成人为60%
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Introdution Morbidity and mortality The compromised host of the neonates in immunology Pathogens for clinical consideration Clinical manifestation Antibiotic therapy
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