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Lesson 12: Internal Controls and Business Ethics Learning objectives 1.Explain the fundamental principles of internal control 2. Define, explain the purpose, and identify the principles of internal accounting control. 3. Apply internal control to cash. 4.Explain and record petty cash fund transactions
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Lesson Notes Lesson 11 Understanding Accounting Standards Learning Objectives 1. Understand the inherent limitation of accounting from trust perspective. 2. Appreciate how accounting standards contributes in trust developing and maintaining 3. Get to know the main contents of accounting standards
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Lesson 1: Introduction to Accounting Learning Objectives Understand the concepts of economic man and nature of firm from the perspective of economic man 2. Appreciate the trust issue and the unique role of accounting in trust building and maintaining
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第一节帐户分类的意义与标志 第二节帐户按经济内容分类 第三节帐户按用途和结构分类
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 14 Managerial Accounting II: Applications 1. XYZ Company's most recent contribution format income statement is presented below:
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一、该习题是根据教学内容分别编写的,分为两部分:一是理论上的复习思考题,二是实务 上的练习题
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1、财产清查的概念 2、财产清查的种类; 3、财产清查的方法; 4、财产清查结果的处理
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第一节复式记账 记账方法 使用特定的记账符号,按照一定的规 则,在账户中登记各种经济业务的技 术方法
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第一节 财产清查的意义及种类 第二节 财产清查的方法
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 13 Managerial Accounting I: Concepts and Principles xercise Sunny Brockman has develop a new avic ce that is so exciting he is considering
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