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密码的设计和使用至少可从追溯到四千多年前的埃及,巴比 伦、罗马和希腊,历史极为久远。古代隐藏信息的方法主 要有两大类:
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Originally designed to be efficient in hardware . A LOT of money has been invested in hardware. although DES standard is public there was considerable controversy over design – in choice of 56-bit key (vs Lucifer 128-bit) – and because design criteria were classified
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Iterating Block ciphers Definition A product cipher combines two or more transformations in a manner intending that the resulting cipher is more secure than the individual components. Definition An iterated block cipher is a block cipher involving the sequential repetition of an internal function called a round function. Parameters include the number of rounds Nr, the block bitsize n, and the bitsize k of the input key K from which Nr subkeys Ki (round keys) are derived. For invertibility (allowing unique decryption), for each value Ki the round function is a bijection on the round input
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Modular arithmetic – Used to define a finite field – a = b mod n means that if a and b are divided by n they produce the same remainder – a*b mod n can result in 0 even if a and b are not 0
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Definition: Group A set G of elements and operator @ form a group if: for all x,y in G, x @ y is also in G (inclusion) there is an identity element e such that for all x in G, e@x = x for all x in G, there is an inverse element x
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Security Attack: Any action that compromises the security of information. Security Mechanism: A mechanism that is designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack. Security Service: A service that enhances the security of data processing systems and information transfers. A security service makes use of one or more security mechanisms
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A. J. Menezes, P. C. van Oorschot and S. A. Vanstone. Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1997. Bruce Schneier. Applied Cryptography, Second Edition: Protocols, Algorthms, and Source Code in C (cloth) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) 1996 Douglas R. Stinson, Cryptography (Theory and Practice), CRC Press 1995 Resources
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Definitions – Digital Signature - a data string which associates a message with some originating entity – Digital Signature Generation Algorithm – a method for producing a digital signature – Digital signature verification algorithm - a method for verifying that a digital signature is authentic (i.e., was indeed created by the specified entity)
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第5章Hash函数与消息认证习题 1.什么是篡改检测码(MDC)?MDC是如何产生和怎样使用的?消息认证码(MAC)是MDC吗?(消息的)数字签名是MDC吗? 2.什么是随机预言机?随机预言机存在吗?随机预言机的行为是如何逼近现实世界的?
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第6章数字签名习题 1.在DSS数字签名标准中,取p=83=2×41+1,q=41,h=2,于是g=2=4mod83,若取x=57,则y=gx=47=77mod83。在对消息M=56签名时,选择k=23,计算签名并进行验证。 2.在DSA签字算法中,参数k泄露会产生什么后果?
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