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9.1 简谐交流电的产生和表示方法 9.2 交流电路中的元件 9.3 RLC 串联电路 9.4 简谐交流电的复数表示 并联电路 9.5 交流电路的功率 9.6 谐振电路和品质因数 9.7 变压器基本原理 9.8 三相交流电
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一、 电磁感应现象 1、 电磁感应现象的发现: (1) 1820 年,奥斯特发现电流的磁效应,引起了相反方向的探索; (2) 1831 年,法拉第经十年艰苦探索,发现了电磁感应现象——磁的电效应仅在某种东西正在变动的时刻才发生
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研究问题:电介质对静电场的响应,电介质极化的宏观规律及其微观机制; 电介质中电场的分布和电介质中电场的基本方程式,电场的计算
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研究问题:讨论导体中稳恒电流的形成及其规律以及直流电路的计算。电路 的基本规律包含两方面的内容,一方面是组成电路的各种元件(电阻和电源等) 的伏安特性,另一方面是电路整体的规律,即基尔霍夫定律
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[1] Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover Pub￾lications, New York, 1965. [2] Adair, R., Concepts in Physics, Academic Press, New York, 1969. [3] Anderson, J., and Ryon, J., Electromagnetic Radiation in Accelerated Systems, Physical Review, vol. 181, no. 5, pp. 1765–1775, May 1969
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5.1 Spatial symmetry decompositions Spatial symmetry can often be exploited to solve electromagnetics problems. For analytic solutions, symmetry can be used to reduce the number of boundary conditions that must be applied. For computer solutions the storage requirements can be reduced
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The static electromagnetic field 3.1 Static fields and steady currents Perhaps the most carefully studied area of electromagnetics is that in which the fields are time-invariant. This area, known generally as statics, offers (1)the most direct op￾portunities for solution of the governing equations, and (2)the clearest physical pictures
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1.1 Notation, conventions, and symbology Any book that covers a broad range of topics will likely harbor some problems with notation and symbology. This results from having the same symbol used in different areas to represent different quantities, and also from having too many quantities to represent
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Appendix D Coordinate systems Rectangular coordinate system Coordinate variables
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