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Programming Languages · Control Conditionals Functions function calls Threads Data Scalars: booleans, numbers, strings Records/ structures Classes, types sept.8.2003
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Assignments · Remember: Problem set#1: Rules and Scheme due today September 15th, 2003 Reading Solving problems by searching: AIMA Ch 3 Homework for this lecture Problem set #2 due Monday, Sept. 22 Snas witha, Spring 03 Outline
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Outline The promise of autonomous explorers The challenge of autonomous explorers Agents great and small Course objective 1(16.410/13) Principles for Building Agents Course objective 2(16.413) Building an Agent The Mars exploration rover(MEr) project
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The nineties 1. Chap. 5 and 6, Spaceflight and the Myth of Presidential Leadership 2. Chap. 7 and 8, Beyond Horizons 3.\National Space Policy 4.The Satellite Remote Sensing Industry 5.\Long Range Plan; Executive Summary of US Space Command 6. State of the Space Industry 1999
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Space policy Notes on Space Law and policy Derived from multiple sources. Please see bibliography at end of notes mportant Lecture themes Space law\is international law, governed by treaties and custom Space policy\is set by individual nations or subgroups within a nation, and typically
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The Seventies Readings 1. Chap. 1, \Spaceflight and the Myth of Presidential Leadership.\ 2. Chap. 4 and 5, \Beyond Horizons. 3. Chap. and 2, Wheelon. Strategic Themes: 1. Retrenchment for NASA-NASA and the country out of sync. 2. A truck to nowhere-the seeds of the Challenger disaster
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UNCLASSIFIED Unclassified Clinton administration 1993 National security space activities shall contribute to US national security by supporting right of self-defense of US, allies and friends deterring, warning, and defending against enemy attack assuring hostile forces cannot prevent our use of space ountering, if necessary, space systems and services used for hostile purposes enhancing operations of U. S. and allied forces ensuring our ability to conduct military and intelligence space-related satisfying military and intelligence
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Explosion of Commercial Space and the Implications for National Security General(Ret) Thomas S. Moorman, Jr Background Space not mainstream · Desert storn Air Force role Space Service Strategic Vision Budget Outlook
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History and Policy in the Fifties Reading: Chapters 1-10, The Heavens and the Earth Big Themes: Technocracy as a way for a nation to accomplish tasks mon The impact of the thermonuclear bomb and the technology of missiles The Cold War as a contest between Communism and Capitalism
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Recall from lecture 22 °Flow value:f=f(s,V) Cut: Any partition (S, T)of y such that s E S andt∈T Lemma. f=f(s, T) for any cut(S, T) Corollary. f(s, T) for any cut(S, T) Residual graph: The graph G=(v, ef) with strictly positive residual capacities c u, v) c(u,)-f(2y)>0
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