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objectives This unit deals with how to take notes in business contexts, how to summarize conversations and how to plan and write reports. It's a unit which can be used either as an introduction for students with little experience in report- and summary writing
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Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to find out the information about hotel. greet visitor describe business events
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(1)Vocabulary Put the words in the box under the correct headings. cab movie mountain park lake subway car
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CORPORATE FORMATION Alternative business forms Check-box-the- requlations Legal requirements for forming a corporation 351 deferrals Choice of capital structure Worthless stock or debt obligations
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Learning Objectives Distinguish between deductions for and from AGI Discuss the criteria for deducting business and investment deducting travel and entertainment or List the substantiation requirements fo expenses Explain the timing of deductions under both the cash and accrual methods
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嘉士伯B-to-E应用方案 嘉士伯瑞典股份有限公司,是瑞典领先的酿酒企业,在其下属的 Pripps公司通过采用 集成的供应链将其客户服务水平提高到一个更高的层次:在供应链中信息充分流通,对企 业中所有人都是透明的。嘉士伯基于网络系统在企业、销售、客户关系管理(CRM)和 供应系统之间采用了to-e( business-to-employee)的协同门户
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四海一家的解决之道一蓝色巨人BM 一、IBM概况 iBm( Internal Business Machines),即国际商用机器公司,1914年创建于美国,是世界上最大的信息工业跨国公司,目前拥有全球雇员20多万人,业务遍及150多个国家和地区。2001年全年的销售额为859亿美元,剔除汇率损失同比增加1%,纯盈利77亿美元。稀释后每股纯利润为4.35美元
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1. My sister spend studying so that she might later get a better job [A]most of her times B]her most times C her most time Dmost of her time 2. We got down to business as soon as we each other [AJhad introduced to b had been introduced to [C]had introduced by [D]had been introduced by
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What is Packaging? 1. A definition of packaging Packaging is best described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, distribution, storage, retailing, and use of the goods 2. The many things a package might be asked to do Packaging is a complex, dynamic, scientific, artistic, and controversial business function Fundamental function of packaging: contain protects/preserves transports informs/sells
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INVESTMENTS Fourth Edition Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMHD Do security prices reflect information Why look at market efficiency Implications for business and corporate finance Implications for investment
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