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Of the three groups of biopolymers, protein have the most diverse function. Most of its molecular weights are much larger. Their shaps cover a range from the globular protein to the helical coils of a α–keratin. But all proteins have common features. Proteins are polyamides and their monomeric units are about 20 different α-amino acids
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Carbodydrares: polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones or substances that hydrolyze to yield polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. Monosaccharides: simple carbohydrates cannot be hydrolyzed into smaller simpler carbohydrates
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Compounds having two carbonyl groups separated by an intervening carbon are called β-dicarbonyl compunds, and these compounds are highly versatile reagents for organic synthesis
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In common nomenclature most primary amines are named as alkylamines. In systematic nomenclature they are named by adding the suffix –amine to the name of the chain or ring system to which the NH2 group is attached with elision of the final e Primary Amines;
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Except for formaldehyde, the simplest aldehyde, all aldehydes have a carbonyl group, C=O, bonded on one side to a carbon, and on the other side to a hydrogen. In ketones, the carbonyl group is situated between two carbon atoms
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1. How to find benzene? 2. Kekule(克库勒)was the first torecognize that these early aromaticcompounds all contain a six-carbonunit
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1. Nomencature of alcohols CH3OH Methanol (methyl alcohol) CH3CH2OH Ethanol (ethyl alcohol)
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18.1 Introduction The carboxyl group, -COOH, -CO2H, is one of the most widely occurring functional groups in chemistry and biochemistry. Not only are carboxylic acids themselves important, but the carboxyl group is the parent group of a large family of related compounds
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12.1 Introduction Systems that have a p orbital on an atom adjacent to a double bond---molecules with delocalized pi￾bonds– are called conjugated unsaturated systems
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