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一、HTML句法结构 二、HTML文档结构和常用元素 三、HTML标准单位 四、HTML基本元素的使用 五、HTML的其他元素
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The four circles Micro- diagrammatically organisms represent the factors involved
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The most widely used technique to treat pulpal and periapical diseases To remove the infected substances To obturate canal in three dimension
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武汉大学:《牙体牙髓病学》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)牙髓病与根尖周病的治疗 Endodontic treatment is to clean the root canal system thoroughly
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Dentin hypersensitivity is a common condition of transient tooth pain caused by a variety of exogenous stimuli
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873.60 Enamel fracture 873.61 Crown fracture without pulp involvement 873.62 Crown fracture with pulp involvement 873.63 Root fracture 873.64 Crown-root fracture 873.66 Tooth luxation (dislocation) 873.67 Intrusion or extrusion 873.68 Avulsion 873.69 Other injuries
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➢Anomalies of Number ➢Anomalies of Size ➢Anomalies of Shape ➢Anomalies of Structure ➢Anomalies of Color
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• Cariology • Non-cariogenic disease of dental hard tissue • Endodontics • Operative dentistry
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Operative dentistry is the ART and SCIENCE of the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis of defects of teeth which do not require full coverage restorations for correction
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❑ Caries; ❑ Malformed, discolored, or fractured teeth; ❑ Restoration replacement
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