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Part I Human Organization 1 Organization of the Body 2 Chemistry of Life 3 Cell Structure and Function 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 5 The Integumentary System Part II Support and Movement 6 The Skeletal System 7 The Muscular System Part III Integration and Coordination 8 The Nervous System 9 The Sensory System 10 The Endocrine System Part IV Maintenance of the Body 11 Blood 12 The Circulatory System 13 The Lymphatic System and Immunity 14 The Respiratory System 15 The Digestive System 16 The Urinary System Part V Reproduction and Development 17 The Reproductive System 18 Human Development and Birth 19 Human Genetics Appendices A Reference Figures: The Human Organism B Understanding Medical Terminology C Answers to MedAlert Questions D Further Readings
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4.1 寻址方式 4.1.1 绝对寻址方式 4.1.2 直接寻址方式 4.1.3 间接寻址方式 4.1.4 数据存储器的寻址 4.1.5 存储器映射寄存器(MMR)的寻址 4.1.6 寄存器位的寻址 4.1.7 I/O空间的寻址 4.1.8 循环寻址 4.2 TMS320C55x的指令系统 4.2.1 算术运算指令 4.2.2 位操作指令 4.2.3 扩展辅助寄存器操作指令 4.2.4 逻辑运算指令 4.2.5 移动指令 4.2.6 程序控制指令
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◼ 2.1 TMS320C55x的总体结构 ◼ 2.2 封装和引脚功能 ◼ 2.3 CPU结构 ◼ 2.4 CPU寄存器 ◼ 2.5 存储空间和I/O空间 ◼ 2.6 堆栈操作 ◼ 2.7 中断和复位操作
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实验6 顺序程序设计及跟踪调试实验 实验7 分支程序设计及跟踪调试实验 实验8 循环程序设计及跟踪调试实验 实验9 子程序设计及跟踪调试实验 实验10 宏定义程序设计及跟踪调试实验 实验11 汇编语言与C语言混合编程实验 实验12 多模块程序的运行及子程序库设计实验 实验13 I/O 接口中端口号存储单元内容的读写实验 实验14 常用系统中断调用实验 实验15 DOS中断服务程序设计、调用实验
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Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and C++ Programming Chapter 2 C++ Basics Chapter 3 More Flow of Control Chapter 4 Procedural Abstraction and Functions That Return a Value Chapter 5 Functions for All Subtasks Chapter 6 I/O Streams as an Introduction to Objects and Classes Chapter 7 Arrays Chapter 8 Strings and Vectors Chapter 9 Pointers and Dynamic Arrays Chapter 10 Defining Classes Chapter 11 Friends, Overloaded Operators, and Arrays in Classes Chapter 12 Separate Compilation and Namespaces Chapter 13 Pointers and Linked Lists Chapter 14 Recursion Chapter 15 Inheritance Chapter 16 Exception Handling Chapter 17 Templates Chapter 18 Standard Template Library Appendices 1 C++ Keywords 2 Precedence of Operators 3 The ASCII Character Set 4 Some Library Functions 5 Inline Functions 6 Overloading the Array Index Square Brackets 7 The this Pointer 8 Overloading Operators as Member
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1. Input-output economics, the foundation of CGE & GSC (a) the input-output table (b) national accounts (c) the one-country input-output model (d) the Leontief paradox (e) effective rates of protection (e) the multi-regional or multi-national I-O model - starting point for CSC analysis 2. CGE modelling (a) Johansen’s model of Norway (b) Johansen’s solution matrix versus Leontief’s inverse (c) trade in a CGE model, Armington to Melitz 3. Applying existing CGE models to supply chain issues (a) Walmsley & Minor on reversing NAFTA (b) Dixon, Rimmer and Waschik on Buy-America(n) 4. Towards a CGE model with supply chain features: designs, components, assembly and sales 5. Concluding remarks
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This document describes the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) standard, version 2.2. The MPI standard includes point-to-point message-passing, collective communications, group and communicator concepts, process topologies, environmental management, process cre￾ation and management, one-sided communications, extended collective operations, external interfaces, I/O, some miscellaneous topics, and a profiling interface. Language bindings for C, C++ and Fortran are defined
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:12.19MB 文档页数:230
◼ 2.1 TMS320C55x的总体结构 ◼ 2.2 封装和引脚功能 ◼ 2.3 CPU结构 ◼ 2.4 CPU寄存器 ◼ 2.5 存储空间和I/O空间 ◼ 2.6 堆栈操作 ◼ 2.7 中断和复位操作
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4.1 寻址方式 4.1.1 绝对寻址方式 4.1.2 直接寻址方式 4.1.3 间接寻址方式 4.1.4 数据存储器的寻址 4.1.5 存储器映射寄存器(MMR)的寻址 4.1.6 寄存器位的寻址 4.1.7 I/O空间的寻址 4.1.8 循环寻址 4.2 TMS320C55x的指令系统 4.2.1 算术运算指令 4.2.2 位操作指令 4.2.3 扩展辅助寄存器操作指令 4.2.4 逻辑运算指令 4.2.5 移动指令 4.2.6 程序控制指令
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:11.83MB 文档页数:209
4.1 寻址方式 4.1.1 绝对寻址方式 4.1.2 直接寻址方式 4.1.3 间接寻址方式 4.1.4 数据存储器的寻址 4.1.5 存储器映射寄存器(MMR)的寻址 4.1.6 寄存器位的寻址 4.1.7 I/O空间的寻址 4.1.8 循环寻址 4.2 TMS320C55x的指令系统 4.2.1 算术运算指令 4.2.2 位操作指令 4.2.3 扩展辅助寄存器操作指令 4.2.4 逻辑运算指令 4.2.5 移动指令 4.2.6 程序控制指令
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