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Typical Length Scales in Biology IA lO microtubule DNA width width typical animal cell length of DNA in a chromosome
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第一节 DNA的结构 第二节 DNA重复序列
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转录(transcription): 以DNA为模板,在RNA聚合酶 (RNA polymerase)的作用下合成mRNA,将遗传信息从 DNA分子上转移到mRNA分子上,这一过程称为转录 (transcription)
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一、重组DNA技术发展史上的重大事件 二、基因操作的主要技术原理 三、分子克隆技术 四、DNA的 Microarray
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一、 核酸的合成代谢—核苷酸的生物合成,核酸的生物合成 二、核酸的分解代谢—核酸的分解,核苷酸的降解代谢 三、遗传工程—DNA的限制酶图谱,基因载体, DNA重组技术
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一.是非题(共10分。只需注明“对”或“错”) 1.大多数嗜热菌的G-C含量高于中温菌。 2.大肠杆菌属低等原核生物,所以其遗传物质只是一条松散的环状双链DNA,不存在DNA高级结构
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How does it work? Ofloxacin belongs to a group of broad spectrum antibiotics called the quinolones. It works by entering the bacterial cell and inhibiting a chemical called DNA-gyrase which is involved in the production of genetic material (DNA). This therefore prevents the bacteria from reproducing
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9.1基因是什么 9.2DNA的半保留复制 9.3RNA的组成和作用 9.4转录 9.5遗传密码的破译 9.6蛋白质的合成 9.7人类基因组计划
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11.1重组DNA技术是基因工程的核心技术 11.2获得需要的目的基因(外源基因) 11.3构建重组质粒和基因克隆 11.4转化受体细胞和转化子的筛选 11.5转化子的分析 Southern杂交
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RNA polymerase transcribes genes How is this process regulated? How is specificity achieved? Key players transcriptional activator proteins -bind to specific sites on DNA and turn on the expression of nearby genes. Two adhesive surfaces one binds DNA, the other interacts with, and recruits RNA polymerase
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