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本课程以 Visual Foxpor6.0为基础,讲授数据库系统的基本概念和基本理论,使学 生了解关系型数据库的基本概念和程序设计方法,能够独立编写短小的VFP程序,并结合数 据库的操作管理功能,实现信息管理与査询功能,为后续课程学习奠定基础
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l Chapter 2-Learning objectives Convert raw data into a data array Construct a frequency distribution a relative frequency distribution a cumulative relative frequency distribution Construct a stem-and-leaf diagram Visually represent data by using graphs and charts
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2.1数据类型 2.2常量与变量 2.3表达式 2.4函数
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4.1数据库和数据表的建立 4.2数据表中记录的操作 4.3数据的索引 4.4多数据表的操作
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6.1数据库、数据表的基本操作 6.2数据表结构的浏览与修改 6.3对数据表记录的操作 6.4表的排序与索引 6.5数据表的统计 6.6多表操作
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8.1面向对象程序设计概述 8.2类的设计 8.3对象的设计
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Numerical Analysis Laboratory Projects 1. Input and Output Your program must read from a file \in. txt\(if there is any input) and write to a file \out. txtin the current directory. 2. Judge Compiler Visual C++ 6.0 Enterprise Edition
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The term landscape commonly refers to the appearance of land, including its shape, texture, and colors It also reflects the way in which these various components combine to create specific patterns and pictures that are distinctive to particular localities These inscape is not a purely visual
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一、基本数据类型:数值型、字符型、日期型、布尔型、变体型。 二、常量与变量及其定义 三、不同数据类型的运算 四、表达式 五、内置函数
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一、利用控件输入、输出 二、文本框的Text属性,V/O 三、标签的 Caption属性, Output 四、对话框
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