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李某受单位委派到某国考察,王某听说后委托李某代买一种该国产的名贵药材。李某考察归 来后将所买的价值 1500 元的药送至王某家中。但王某的儿子告诉李某,其父已于不久前去 世,这药本来就是给他治病的,现在父亲已去世,药也就不要了,请李某自己处理。李某非 常生气,认为不管王某是否活着,这药王家都应该收下
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静电场 磁场 电磁场 近代物理
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The C—X bond of alkyl halides is polarized. The carbon atom bears a partial positive charge, The halogen atom a partial negative charge
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21.11 Aryl Halide and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution 21.12 Spectroscopic Analysis of Phenols and Aryl Halides
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Quinones are an interesting and valuable class of compounds because of their oxidation-reduction, or redox, properties. The redox properties of quinones are important to the functioning of living cells, where compounds called ubiquinones(泛醌) act as biochemical oxidizing agents to mediate the electro-transfer processes involved in energy production
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Phenols are like alcohols in being able to form strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Phenols have higher boiling points than hydrocarbons of the same molecular weight. A modest solubility in water
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1.了解体育起源与产生的主要因素; 2.了解古代中、外体育发展史; 3.了解近代中、外体育发展史; 4.了解现代体育的发展概况; 5.掌握人类体育活动的基本特点与特征
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第一章 西方哲学从近代到现代的转折 第二章 现代西方哲学的发展历程 第三章 现代西方哲学与马克思主义哲学的关系 第四章 现代西方哲学与当代中国哲学的发展
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