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一、选择题(每小题2分,共70分) (1)数据的存储结构是指()。 A)存储在外存中的数据 B)数据所占的存储空间量 C)数据在计算机中的顺序存储方式 D)数据的逻辑结构在计算机中的表示 (2)下列关于栈的描述中错误的是()。 A)栈是先进后出的线性表 B)栈只能顺序存储 C)栈具有记忆作用 D)对栈的插入与删除操作中,不需要改变栈底指针
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一、 所费资本转化为成本价格 1、商品生产的实际耗费与资本主义耗费 A、商品生产的实际耗费: 为生产某种商品需要耗费:a.原材料、能源、辅助材料;厂房、机器设备的磨损。(物化劳动)b.劳动者支出的劳动(活劳动)
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3.2.5行列式的按任意列展开和特殊矩阵的行列式 1、行列式的按任意行(列)展开定义命A=(-1)M,称为a的代数余子式
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一、今年是DNA双螺旋模型发表五十周年。请回答以下问题(20分): 1、在双链DNA分子中A+T+C是否等于A+CG+T?(4分) 2、DNA双链的两条链中是否含有相同的遗传信息?为什么?(4分)
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人教A版高中数学必修4第二章 平面向量2.1 平面向量的实际背景及基本概念习题(1)
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1、解题算法如下: (1)另取一个空瓶C; (2)将瓶A中的醋倒入C中; (3)将瓶B中的酱油倒入瓶A中; (4)最后将瓶C中的醋倒入瓶B中; (5)算法结束
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II. Listening Skills Listening to People talk about health 1. M: I haven't been to see my doctor for a very long time. I'm worried that he'll be angry with me for not having a physical examination for so long w: Which is more important, the doctors feelings or your health? Youd better go if you want to make sure everything is all right with you. It seems that the man worries more about the doctor's feelings than his own healtl
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4.3.1参数根轨迹一除K*之外其他参数变化时系统的根轨迹(s+a)/4 例2系统开环传递函数G(s)=2a=0→∞变化,绘制根轨迹;ξ=1时,(s)=?
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The power required to propel a new ship is subject to a formidable number of variable items. The family tree of power for propulsion (Fig. 1) shows these divided into two main groups. One is concerned with the resistance to motion caused by the interaction of the hull of the ship with the surrounding water
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II. Listening Skills Making Calculations 1. W: It sounds expensive. Why did they charge you so much for repairing the computer? M: Well, its $25 for labor to start with. A new modern cost another 50 bucks. On top of that I needed a new battery, and it cost $17
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