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corporation with its key attributes of independent personality, limited liability and free o n most countries large business enterprises today are organized as corporations. Th tradeability of shares has played a key role in most developed market economies since the
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CPIME on the Prevention of crim Original: english and the Treatment of offenders Vienna, 10-17 April 2000 Item 6 of the provisional agenda Offenders and victims: accountability and fairness in the justice process Women in the criminal justice system Background paper for the workshop on women in the criminal justice system
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Corporate law is a field that underwent as thorough a revolution in the 1980s as can be imagined, in scholarship and practice, methodological and organizational, in which finance and the economic theory of the firm were used to inform the field. The timing of this revolution was not a fortuitous occurrence: it followed a revolution in corporate finance and
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Few events obtain the same instant national and even worldwide news coverage as when several people are shot and killed in a public place. The worst examples in the United States come readily to mind Colin Ferguson killed 6 people during his rampage on the Long Island(NY) Railroad in December 1993: 22 people were killed during the October 1991 shooting in Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas; 5 persons died at the Cleveland Elementary School
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Arrow's disclosure paradox implies that information that is not afforded legal protection cannot be bought or sold on the market. This paper emphasizes the important relationship between the paradox of disclosure and the boundaries of the firm question. Only legally
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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act extends Washingtons oversight of corporate governance practices but offers questionable benefits to investors
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发育成熟的器官、组织或细胞发生体积缩小的过程,称为萎缩。 一、全身性萎缩 1、长期饲料缺乏 2、某些慢性消化道疾病 3、长期慢性的消耗性疾病
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一、最好的管理者不断地进行决策CNN主席每一、二分钟就要做一个紧急决策 二、如果你不能做决策,你就不能成为一个有效的管理者 三、由于决策成为紧俏商品,咨询公司在全世界业务不断增加,影响力越来越大
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§1 随机事件 §2 随机事件的概率 §3 古典概型与几何概率 §4 乘法公式与全概率公式 §5 事件的独立性
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一、概念 是指由于调节生殖的神经内分泌机制失调引起的异常子宫出血;而全身及内外生殖器官无器质性病变
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