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一化工过程及单元操作 化工过程一化学与物理方法处理过程的总和 单元操作一无化学反应的基本物理过程。 二.课程的内容、性质及任务 内容:三传一反 三传 1.流体流动过程(动量传递) 2.传热过程(热量传递) 3.传质过程(质量传递)
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第一节 概述 第二节 流体静力学基本方程式 第三节 管内流体流动的基本方程 第四节 管内流体流动现象 第五节 流体流动阻力 第六节 管路计算 第七节 流量的测定
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第一节 概述 第二节 双组分溶液的气液平衡 第三节 蒸馏及精馏原理 第四节 双组分连续精馏塔的计算
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第一章 流体流动 第二章 流体输送机械 第三章 传热 第四章 吸收 第五章 蒸馏 第六章 化学反应工程学基本原理
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EQUIPMENT DESIGN: BASIC CONCEPTS GOALS: Definitions and Concepts Types of Design Design Methodology
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SEPARATION OPERATIONS: INTRODUCTION What are separation operations? Typical applications of separation operations Physical basis for separation operations Basic types of separation operations Performance characterization of separation operations Choice of separation operations
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CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF SIMPLE DISTILLATION COLUMNS Goals: Determine feasibility of proposed separation Estimate tray and reflux requirements Estimate column diameter and height
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A. Types of Material Balance Problems B. Historical Perspective CONSERVATION OF MASS A. Control volumes B. Holdup or Inventor C. Material Balance Basis D. Material balances I. PROCESSES The Concept of a process Basic processing functions C. Unit Operatic Modes of process Operations
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS I TO INVEST, OR NOT TO INVEST, THAT IS THE QUESTION. (With apologies to William Shakespeare) Given one or more potential projects, how do we decide in which to invest, if any? What criteria do we use to evaluate potential projects?
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ESTIMATING THE PROFITABILITY OF A CHEMICAL PLANT Estimating Investment Estimating Cost of Production Profitability Evaluation Return on Investment (ROD) Payout time(Tpay) DCF Rate of Return(DCFROR) Transfer Price
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