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Good evening, my fellow Americans: Tonight I want to speak to you of peace in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. No other question so preoccupies our people. No other dream so absorbs the 250 million human beings who liv e in that part of the world. No other goal motivates American policy in Southeast Asia. For years, representatives of our Governments and others have traveled the world seeking to find a basis for peace talks. Since last September they have carried the off er that I made public at San Antonio. And that offer was this:
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General Westmoreland, General Grove, distinguished guests, and gentlemen of the Corps! As I was leaving the hotel this morning, a doorman asked me, \Where are you bound for, General?\ And when I replied, \West Point,\ he remarked, \Beautiful place. Have you ever been there before?\
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Good evening my fellow Americans. Ten days ago, in my report to the nation on Vietnam, I announced a decision to withdraw an additional 150,000 Americans f rom Vietnam over the nex t year. I said then that I was making that decision despite our concern over increased enemy activity in Laos, in Cambodia, and in South Vietnam
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Mr. President, Mrs. Clinton, members of Congress, Ambassador Holbrooke, Excellencies, f riends: Fif ty-four years ago to the day, a young Jewish boy f rom a small town in the Carpathian Mountains woke up, not far f rom Goethe's beloved Weimar, in a place of eternal infamy called Buchenwald. He was finally f ree, but there was no joy in his heart. He thought there never would be again. Liberated a day earlier by American
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Program Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we take pride in presenting a thoughtful address by Ronald Reagan. Mr. Reagan: Reagan: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you and good evening. The sponsor has been identified, but unlike most television programs, the performer hasn't been provided with a script. As a matter of fact, I have been permitted to choose my own words and discuss my own ideas regarding the choice that we face in the next few weeks
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Thank you. Thank you, very much. Thank you very, very much, President Keohane. Mrs. Gorbachev, Trustees, Faculty, Parents, and I should say, Julia Porter, class president, and certainly my new best f riend, Christine Bicknell -- and, of course, the Class of 1990. I am really thrilled to be here today, and very excited, as I know you all must be, that Mrs. Gorbachev could join us
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Thank you ladies and gentlemen for a very warm reception. It was one hundred and forty-four years ago that members of the Democratic Party first met in convention to select a Presidential candidate. Since that time, Democrats have continued to convene once every four years and draf t a party
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My Fellow Americans, I come before you tonight as a candidate for the Vice Presidency and as a man whose honesty and integrity has been questioned. Now, the usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ignore them or to deny them without giving details. I believe we've had enough of that in the United States, particularly with the present Administration in Washington
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I think it's obvious f rom the cameras here that I didn't come to discuss the ban on cyclamates or DDT. I have a subject which I think if of great importance to the American people. Tonight I want to discuss the importance of the television news medium to the American people. No nation depends more on the intelligent judgment of its citizens. No medium has a more profound influence over public
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I have requested this opportunity to talk to the people of Massachusetts about the tragedy which happened last Friday evening. This morning I entered a plea of guilty to the charge of leaving the scene of an accident. Prior to my appearance in court it would have been improper for me to comment on these matters. But tonight I am free to tell you what happened and to say what it means to me
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