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Medical genetics Any type of change in the chromosome structure or number (deficiencies, duplications, translocations, inversions, etc.)
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Medical Genetics Gene Mutation Change in genes caused by change in structure of the dna
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Medical Genetics Genes are entities that parents pass to offspring during reproduction
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Medical Genetics The immune system is a network of interacting cellular and soluble components. Its function is to distinguish entities within the body as \self\ or \nonself\ and to eliminate those that are nonself
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Medical Genetics Birth defects are defined as abnormalities of structure, function or body metabolism that are present at birth
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Medical Genetics Genetic diseases and congenital malformations occur in approximately 2 to 5 of all live births, account for up to 30% of paediatric admissions to hospital, and are an important cause of death under the age of 15 years
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Medical Genetics Genetic counseling is the process evaluating family history and medical records ordering genetic tests evaluating the results of this investigation helping parents understand and reach decisions about what to do next
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Medical Genetics The ancient Greeks believed that cancer was caused by too much body fluid they called\black bile.\
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1. General 2. oncogene 3. Tumor Suppressor Genes 4. Multi-stage Carcinogenesis
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Medical Genetics Mutations (changes) in the mitochondrial chromosome are responsible for a number of disorders
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