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§7-1 Internal Energy Heat & Work 内能 功 热量 §7-2 The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一 定律 §7-3 Application of the First Law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律对理想气体等容、等压和等温过 程的应用 §7-4 The Heat Capacities of an Ideal Gas 理想气体 的热容 §7-5 Application of the First Law to Adiabatic Processes 热力学第一定律对理想气体绝热过程 的应用 §7-6 Cyclical Processes Thermal Efficiency Carnot Cycle Reverse Cycle 循环过程 热机 的效率 卡诺循环 逆循环 §7-7 The Second Law of Thermodynamics热力学 第二定律 §7-8 Reversible & Irreversible Process 可逆过程与不可逆过程、卡诺定理 §7-9 Statistical Meaning of The Second Law 热力学第二定律的统计意义 §7-10 Entropy 熵
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3.1 Voltage and Current Laws Kirchhoff's Current Law. Kirchhoff's Current Law in the Complex Domain.Kirchhoff's Voltage Law. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law in the Complex Domain. Importance of KVL and KCI Michael D. Ciletti 3.2 Node and Mesh Analysis University of Colorado Node Analysis. Mesh Analysis. Summary 3.3 Network Theorems J. David Irwin
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Chapter 18 Second Law of Thermodynamics Chapter 18: Second Law of Thermodynamics(热力学第二定律) O The second law of thermodynamics Reversible and irreversible process(可逆过程与不可逆过程): Carnot cycle(卡诺循环) Entropy(熵)
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Key Points Roman Empire and Western Civilization Caesar and concept of western civilization Roma and Greece Roman civilization: architecture, politic and law achievements Roman law three original elements: Greek philosophy, Roman law
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Key points Roman Empire and Western Civilization Caesar and concept of western civilization Roma and greece Roman civilization: architecture, politic and law achievements Roman law three original elements; Greek philosophy, roman law and hebraic ethics
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The Uses of History in Law and economics Ron harris During the last quarter of the twentieth century, the humanities and social sciences have turned toward history something that culminated in the 1990s, and this phenomenon was evident in law as well. However until recently law and economics, the most infuential post-World War
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This paper contains the chapters on public enforcement of law and on criminal law from a general, forthcoming book, Foundations of Economic Analysis of Lany(Harvard University Press, 2003 ). By public law enforcement is meant the use of public law enforcement agents
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Part One General Introduction to International Economic Law One General Introduction to International Economic Law Two International Economic Organizations Tree Transnational Corporation Part Two Legal System of International Trade Four General Introduction to Legal System of International Trade Five Law of International Sale of Goods Six Transportation and Insurance Concerning International Sale of Goods Seven Legal System of Government Control on International Trade Part Three Legal System of International Technology Transfer Eight General Introduction to Legal System of International Technology Transfer (Trade) Nine International Licensing Contract Ten Legal Regulation to International Technology Transfer Part Four Legal System of International Direct Investment Eleven General Introduction to Legal System of International Direct Investment Twelve Legal Forms of International Investment Thirteen Domestic Laws Concerning Transnational Investment Fourteen International Treaties Concern
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热现象与力学现象 热力学—研究自然界中与热现象有关的各种状态变化和能量转化的规律的科学 0 Oth law:阐述热平衡特点 1 1st law:能量转化在数值上守恒 2 2nd law:阐述热和功的本质差别 3 3rd law:0K时恒温过程的熵变趋于零
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This issue is an edited and annotated transcript of the proceedings at a symposium on the Next Century of Corporate Law, held on May 20-21 1999, at the DuPont Country Club, Wilmington, Delaware. The symposium tly by widener University School of Law and the Corporate Law Section of the Delaware State Bar Association We acknowledge with gratitude the following persons for their
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