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Tolstoy's novel, Anna Karenina, starts famously with the observation that\All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own fashion. The opposite is more nearly true in respect to the rule of law. Though many societi with differing governance structures and legal systems adhere in their own ways to the ule of law, societies that derogate from it do so in more similar fashion. Put differently it is easier to identify departures from the rule of law than to explain why particular ac-
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The Harmonisation of Private Law in Europe: Some Insights from Evolutionary Theory Jan M. Smits* 1.Introduction Alan Watson has provided us with abundant and beautiful evidence that\most changes in most systems are the result of borrowing\. But as a legal historian and comparative lawyer, Watson has
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6. Quality Assurance 6.1 Comprehensive QA system 6.1.1 The company must have a comprehensive system of quality assurance and monitoring, to ensure the consistent production of safe, legal product in compliance with the agreed specification
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CORPORATE FORMATION Alternative business forms Check-box-the- requlations Legal requirements for forming a corporation 351 deferrals Choice of capital structure Worthless stock or debt obligations
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Fit for Human Consumption?(1) David Vaver(2) Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed, electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal and classroom use Contents
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Introduction A corporation is a form of business organization in which ownership is usually represented by transferable stock certificates -Stockholders have limited liability Corporations are independent legal entities · Can make contracts, hold property, incur debt, sue, and be sued
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WARNING NOTICE: The erperimants described in these matcrials are potantially hazardous and require a high level ofsafcty training special facilities and equipment, and supervision by appro responsibility, liability, and risk for the implemontation of such safey procedures and meastncs. MIT shall have no responsibility, liability, or risk for the content or implementation any of the matainl presented. Legal Notices
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described in these matorials arc potentinlly hazandous and require a high levd ofsafety training spccial facilitics and equip mant, and supervision by approp iate individuals. You bea the sole responsibility, lisbility, and risk for the implamnentation of such safcty procedures and mcasures. MIT shall have no respongibility, liability, or risk for the content or implementationc any of the material presanted. Legal Notices
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The writing of clinical record A patient's health record plays many important roles: It provides a view of the patient's health history/status It serves as the legal document describing the healthcare services provided to the patient It provides a method for clinical communication and care
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Introduction Differences of opinion will be the final blow for Avebe transgenic potato so reads the heading of a detailed backgro kground article in the Agrarisch Dagblad of Saturday 4 August 2001. This article describes the demise after ten years, of a project by the Avebe potato group which aimed to achieve large-scale cultivation of a otato
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