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Transform-Domain Representation of Discrete-Time Signals Three useful representations of discrete-time sequences in the transform domain: Discrete-time- Fourier Transform(DTFT) YDiscrete Fourier Transform(DFT) z- -Transform
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Stability Condition in Terms of the Pole Locations A causal lti digital filter is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response h[n] is absolutely summable, i.e
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一、Textbook S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing-A Computer-Based Approach, Third Ed
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Discrete-Time Systems A discrete-time system processes a given input sequence x[] to generates an output sequencey[n] with more desirable properties In most applications, the discrete-time system is a single-input, single-output system:
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Linear-Phase FIR Transfer Functions It is nearly impossible to design linear- phase IIR transfer function It is always possible to design an FIR transfer function with an exact linear-phase response
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一、频率响应 二、传输函数 三、简单滤波器 四、一些特殊的传输函数
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4-1引言 4-2按时间抽取(DIT)的FFT算法 4-3DIF的FFT算法 4-4IFFT算法 4-5线性卷积的FFT算法
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1. Digital Signal Processing基本概念 2.DSP发展筒史 3.DSP的新兴分支
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上海交通大学:《数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing(B)》教学资源_Reference Book_Introduction to Signal Processing
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:509.05KB 文档页数:6
上海交通大学:《数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing(B)》教学资源_Reference Book_DSP of MIT_lec22
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