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认识黑客(Hacker) Hacker起源 Hack:(1) cut roughly or clumsily,chop(砍、辟) (2)horse may be hired (3) person paid to do hard and uninteresting work as a writer 引伸义:干了一件漂亮的事。 Hacker:也指恶作剧 Hacker differs from Cracker
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DESIGN METHODOLOGY: INPUT-OUTPUT DECISIONS goaL-- Choose the process chemistry and feedstock most appropriate to the plant to be designed and determine the associated economic potential
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HEAT EXCHANGER NETWORK SYNTHESIS 1: TARGETING OBJECTIVES: 1 Determine the minimum energy inputs required for a process 2Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers required to transfer this energy 3Develop a methodology for determining where these heat exchangers should be placed in the process
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What is a Monte Carlo simulation? Monte Carlo simulation is numerical method based on the extensive use of random numbers for solving different problems. Remark: Monte Carlo simulation can be used tostudy not only stochastic problems (e.g., diffusion) but also non stochastic ones (Monte Carlo
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Book 4 Teaching Plan Unit 1 TextA Who Is Great Text B How to Be a Leader I. teaching purpose and requirement A. understand the main idea and structure of the texts Text A main idea a. Who is great? \Someone who has made lasting contribution to human civilization is great\. b. the common characteristics the great achiever shave ------an unrelenting drive to succeed (Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study
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The Question Being Asked in Value at Risk (VaR) \What loss level is such that we are X% confident it will not be exceeded in N business days?\
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6.1 Introduction The convolution sum description of an LTI discrete-time system can, in principle, be used to implement the system For an IR finite-dimensional system this approach is not practical as here the impulse response is of infinite length · However, direct implementation of the IIR finite-dimensional system is practica
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1.1 Introduction Any problems about signal analyses and processing may be thought of letting signals trough systems. f(t) y(t) h(t) From f(t) and h(t), find y(t), Signal processing From f(t) and y(t), find h(t), System design From(t)andh(t), find(t), Signal reconstruction
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Chapter 0 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter,you should be able to State briefly a history of computers. Name and describe four major components of the computer. Convert binary numbers to decimal numbers and vice versa. State the difference between the low-level and high-level programming languages
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Chapter 2 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Identify the basic components of Java programs.Distinguish two types of Java programs- applications and applets
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