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5.6.1视准轴与水准轴不平行的误差 一、i角误差 二、交叉误差 三、温度变化影响i角
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一、 Seidel迭代计算公式 使用简单迭代法求x(m+,在由第i个方程计算xm+时,x+,x2+,…x+ ,i-1 已经算出,但仍用的是x{m,x2,…,x如果在简单迭代法中,立即用 xm+,x,…,x代替xm,x2,,x,不仅可以减少一组存储单元, 而且还有可能提高收敛速度这就是赛德尔迭代 赛德尔迭代法的迭代公式为
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一、输入/输出(I/O)接口是CPU与外设之间传送信息的一个界面(或连接部件) 二、接口通过三总线与CPU相连
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202.The length of a sound is the length of time during which it is held on continuously in a given word or phrase. The principal facts concerning length in English are given in the following rules: 203. Length of vowels 1.English vowels [i:], are longer than the other English vowels in similar context,i.e when surrounded by the same sounds, and pronounced with the same degree of stress Thus the vowels in bead
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The length of a sound is the length of time during which it is held on continuously in a given word or phrase. The principal facts concerning length in English are given in the following rules: 203. Length of vowels 1. English vowels /i:/, /a: / /:/, /u:/, /a: /are longer than the other English vowels in similar context, i.e., when surrounded by the same sounds, and pronounced with the same degree of stress. Thus
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一、基本概念 1.设闭区间[ab]内有n-1个点,依次为 a= x
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第十七章含参常义积分 一、基础知识 1.关于I(y)=f(x,y)dx (1)I(y)在[c,d上连续的充分条件是f(x,y)在[a,b;c,d上连续
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由PLC程序设计者自行定义,如在 SINUMERIK810数控系统 中,机床侧的某一开关信号通过IO端子板输入至I/O模块 中,参阅图0-1所示。设该开关信号用1102来定义,在软键功 能 DIAGNOSIS的 PLC STATUS状态下,通过观察IBl0的第 2位“0”或“1”来获知该开关信号是否有效 11.2PLC至机床 PLC控制机床的信号通过PLC的开关量输出接口送到机床 侧,所有开关量输出信号的含义及所占用PLC的地址均可由 PLC程序设计者自行定义
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P17倒数第7行:ACB-+ACB P21(2.3)式-+ P(A:n41)=P(4)P(A),1≤i,≤N且≠j P(A∩A∩Ak)=P(4)P(A)P(A),1≤i,j,k≤N且互异 P(A1nA2…∩AN)=P(41)P(A2)…P(AN) P28倒数第7行:即若--+即
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确定多项式P(x)=an+a1x++anxn,对于一组数 m 据(x,y(i1,m使得=P(x)-y2达到极小, i=1 这里n<
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