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一、Textbook S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing-A Computer-Based Approach, Third Ed
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一、滤波器的图示及分析 二、等效结构 三、基本的FIR滤波器结构 四、基本的IIR滤波器结构
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一、频率响应 二、传输函数 三、简单滤波器 四、一些特殊的传输函数
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Later in the course we shall review various methods of designing frequency-selective filters satisfying prescribed specifications · We now describe several loworder- FIR and IIR digital filters with reasonable selective frequency responses that often are satisfactory in a number of applications Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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Linear-Phase FIR Transfer Functions It is nearly impossible to design linear- phase IIR transfer function It is always possible to design an FIR transfer function with an exact linear-phase response
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Phase and Group Delays The output y[n] of a frequency-selective LTI discrete-time system with a frequency response(@) exhibits some delay relative to the input x[n] caused by the nonzero phase response 0(@) =arg{()} of the system
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Z-Transform The DTFT provides a frequency-domain representation of discrete-time signals and LTI discrete-time systems Because of the convergence condition, in many cases. the DTFT of a sequence may not exist As a result, it is not possible to make use of such frequency-domain characterization in these cases
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Transform-Domain Representation of Discrete-Time Signals Three useful representations of discrete-time sequences in the transform domain: Discrete-time- Fourier Transform(DTFT) YDiscrete Fourier Transform(DFT) z- -Transform
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1、预测:对企业内外部环境作周密分析 2、防范:在企业运作中严格执行 3、识别:高举党同伐异的大刀 4、处理:保持冷静理性,人员迅速到位 5、善后:危机背后有商机
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模拟公关计划 背景:一家化工场由于废水没得到及时处理 而流入附近水域致使鱼类大量死亡,以捕鱼 为生的渔民于是愤怒地涌入化工厂,演出了 一幕幕触目惊心的社区公共关系纠纷,请问 ,如果你是该厂公关部经理,应当如何平息 这起社区关系纠纷,并制定一个切实可行的 公关计划
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